Monday 28 March 2016

You are More

 At some point in our lives we all face tremendous challenges that push us to our limits emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. We are often left feeling less than. Although each journey is unique, how we respond during a crisis is a reflection of our common vulnerabilities and strengths, but more importantly, the powerful human spirit that weaves through every one of our hearts.

One of my greatest challenges in life was healing my physical, and emotional bodies after three recurrences of melanoma. I learned a great deal on my journey, and had the honour and privilege through a Canadian Cancer peer support program to help others as well. It was through this program, the support from my own mentors, and mentoring others since, that I learned a very inspiring truth. We are far more than we think. We are stronger, more courageous, more resilient, and more loved.

Although none of us have identical experiences, it seems at some point during a crisis we grow physically tired and disheartened and often feel like giving up. We grieve what we have lost, we long for normal to return. We are thrown in an emotional vortex that we and our caretakers can only honor and allow to take it's course. Unfortunately, in the midst of our emotional struggles and pain we often forget that we are not our diagnosis, our situations, our bodies, or our thoughts. We forget that we are powerful, miraculous spiritual beings.

In a world that too often is divisive, it's refreshing to remember that we are all more alike than than we are different. Our journeys are not black and white. Like a roller coaster, our lives are filled with ups and downs and plateaus which come seasoned with a myriad of emotions. Whether it be tremendous joy or heart wrenching sorrow it is important that we help each other to walk through what we must while still remembering our innate strengths and inner power. Let's be there for one another, and when we have forgotten, with respect and compassion, let's lovingly remind each other; we are more!

You are More

I may not fully know
 your burden
or the pain
that sits in your heart,
but I will walk beside you
and I will know
that you are more...

When the time is right,

I will whisper the truth...
are more resilient,
more courageous,
more powerful,
and more loved
than you know...


With thanks to my brother in law,  for the inspired reminder.

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