Monday 24 December 2018

Choosing Miracles

The Christmas season is upon on us once more, and although it may look different depending on your beliefs, faith, and traditions, it does offer us all a similar opportunity. Since it is a season when we are reminded of miracles, Christmas is a perfect time to reflect on miracles and see how we can bring more of them into our lives.

Like most people, I used to think that miracles were rare and way beyond our ability to manifest. However, after experiencing some rather miraculous healing, I opened up my heart and mind to see miracles in a different light. Now when I go about my day, I see everyday miracles I used to overlook and take for granted. Miracles like frost covered trees sparkling in the sun, hummingbirds hovering beside the bird feeder, and spectacular sunbursts at sunset. Indeed, how can I not believe in miracles when so often just driving down the highway in Northern Ontario I feel as if I have been transported into a giant art gallery, wherein the sky is an evolving canvas, and the clouds delicate brush strokes inspired by the wind.

Not only do I believe miracles surround us every day, I also believe we have the power to bring more of them into our lives. We may not be able to paint the sky, or sculpt a windswept pine, but there are decisions we can make every day that can bring about a different kind of miracle. Because we are all imperfect, we often experience fearful thoughts, anger, resentment, and regret. Ironically, these feelings create a unique opportunity for a miracle to unfold because they offer us a powerful choice. No matter what happens to us, or within us, we can always choose what we will do about it. When faced with negative emotions we can decide if we want to remain in negative, self destructive energy, or learn to take a big step back, let it go, and wait for the magic.. Releasing darkness allows room for light to enter, and therein lies the miracle... for we get to experience the freedom, peace, joy, and love that brings.

 By choosing to walk away from our destructive thought patterns, and emotional baggage, part of the miracle is that we begin to heal and make a deeper connection with our own spirit. Making miracle minded shift takes some dedication, especially at first, but I found it was much easier when I incorporated a mantra. Deepak Chopra, a respected, well known spiritual leader, offers the perfect mantra, "Every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle, I relinquish all regrets, grievance and resentments, and I choose the miracle." Repeating that mantra has helped me to pause when I am caught up in negative thoughts and emotions, to connect with spirit, and to decide what I really want, which of course, is always the miracle!

So this Christmas, a time when we are reminded of miracles, and when we have a new year approaching that we can sculpt in any way we want, what will you decide? Will you choose to appreciate the everyday miracles all around you? Will you begin to create your own miracles by letting go of old grudges, fears, and resentments? Will you say goodbye to regrets, will you finally forgive yourself? Will you choose the miracle?

 Warmest wishes for a magical Christmas my friends, I hope this coming year is a truly miraculous one for you!

love and light,


when we pause
to breathe in miracles,
to be in the light,
we become one
with the great Spirit,
our hearts awakened
our souls ignited
by love


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