Friday 20 March 2020

The Power of One

The Power of One

We are currently in a crisis that requires that we all work together. Even though we may feel helpless, we aren't, we may not be able to control what is happening, but we can all control the way we respond. I am an adamant believer, through experience, that our thoughts are powerful. Our thoughts create energy and that energy then influences what we manifest in our lives. Our bodies are no exception, and science has proven that they too, physically respond to the content of our thinking. Having experienced that first hand as well, I believe it is very important at this time that we send our bodies thoughts which focus on our physical well being and healing. 

It is normal to have fearful thoughts in a crisis, I did a deep negative dive a few times before I was able to step back and turn my thoughts around. What I did, and what we all need to do, is to observe the  fearful thoughts and deliberately choose to replace them with empowering, positive ones. I repeated mantras that were meaningful to me, such as, all shall be well, every cell in my body is healthy and well, and we can do this together... It's best to choose something that feels right for you, it might be as simple as I am perfectly healthy. Once you get positive thoughts flowing, they can be reinforced by avoiding anything that causes a fear response (like listening to the news, or negative social media posts) It also helps to spend time meditating, relaxing, listening to uplifting music, cooking etc., anything at all that makes you feel healthy, happy and calm. 

Thoughts are powerful, the combined thought of many people, even more powerful, so let's work together to create good feeling thoughts and positive energy for what we all want, wellness, healing, and the best possible outcome to this crisis. Nature reminds us that miracles happen every day, let's try focusing on that! 
I wish everyone good health, and good thoughts. Much light and love my friends.

We Are One

When my spirit whispers we are one,
I understand in ways I did not before,
We are one,
One world, one continent, one nation, one city,

We are one prayer
for all to be safe and well,
One healing thought
for the sick,
One hand reaching out
to those in need,

We are one sea of gratitude
for those still serving,
One promise
that we'll all do our part,
One appeal to our collective faith,
One hope that all shall be well...

Together, in positive thought,
We can be the miracle,
We can realize
The power of One...

Penny Bowman

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