Wednesday 1 April 2020

The Power of Hope


During these very stressful times, it is important for us all to try and keep our spirits up and remain hopeful. Our positive thoughts send waves of good energy into a world that desperately needs that right now. Nurturing hope helps us remain open minded, so we can stay positive and open the door to creative solutions. We cannot control what is going on around us, but we can control how we respond, and therefore contribute...

Hope, when harnessed, can be a very powerful force, it can not only contribute to our sense of well being, and those around us, it can inspire creative problem solving. When we quiet our troubled minds and go within, hope will be there in mindful breath and momentary pause, ready to lift us up and offer a new perspective. When we actually focus on cultivating hope it not only can bring us peace, calm and clarity, it can take us away from the shadows in our minds and lead us forward into an inspiring reservoir of light. When cultivated hope can be our anchor in troubled waters, and we can attain it by planting the seeds, one positive, uplifting thought at a time...

Our Candle in the Dark

Like the sun that comes up in the morning,

hope is a powerful light
that lifts our spirit
and leads us forward,
for with inspired minds and hearts
we give birth to our imagination
and the infinite possibilities
she offers,
hope beckons us with love  
to bathe in the comfort and peace within,
hope helps us to believe in the impossible,
go beyond our fears
and manifest miracles...
our beautiful, unwavering, candle in the dark...

penny bowman

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