Saturday 2 May 2020

Every Day

Every Day

There are so many things about this pandemic that are disturbing to me, but what I find most upsetting, and what breaks my heart is that all the people who have died and are ill seem to have been reduced to a daily statistic. The number of people who have fallen, and the circumstances under which they have passed are difficult for most of us to comprehend. I think about them every day, and the families who were not able to be at their side, or join together after their death to grieve their loss. I hope that somehow they can feel the collective sorrow, empathy, and love of the millions of people like myself around the world who care deeply. This poem is a small tribute to their lives, and hopefully a source of comfort to their families knowing that they are held in great love.

Every day I pray
the unimaginable will end,
and those who have lost this battle
will not be forgotten,
that their lives will be more
than just a number
recited daily on the news,
the grim reminder
of our new reality...

I pray the fallen
will always be remembered,
that our collective sorrow,
silent tears
and unspoken condolences
are somehow felt,
that in some way
our broken hearts
pay homage
to lives taken
and the tremendous loss ...

I pray there will be a time
when hearts can mend,
when families
can come together
to mourn their loss,
to grieve the unimaginable,
to share their love,
and find peace and comfort
once again,
in warm embrace...

with love and light,

Penny Bowman