Thursday 28 January 2021

Be an Angel

Let's talk, honestly...

let's find the courage

to dig deep

where the truth, long buried

 yearns to be heard,

 but fears to be exposed...

let's stop judging

and start listening 

with open hearts,

so weary hearts

can open up the floodgates

and still feel loved and safe,

so children can understand 

feeling are never wrong,

just messengers here to guide us,

let's talk,

let's begin to understand

we are kindred spirits,

we all laugh, and we all cry,  

we all bleed,

and we all heal with love...

Having recently experienced some mental health issues, I am here to say that having supportive people in my life who did not judge me made all the difference in my ability to recover. At the time I felt lost, but the repeated acts of love and faith people demonstrated helped me regain my sense of self, and gave me the strength and motivation to carry on. So often we underestimate the impact that our support can have on someone. My friends and family were the angels I needed to be able to see my worth and have confidence in myself again. I am not sure I will ever be able to fully convey what that meant to me.

I am sharing this in hopes that you might realize that even what might seem like a small gesture to you can make a huge difference in someone's life. This pandemic has left everyone feeling vulnerable so I urge you to find little ways to reach out to the people in your life and connect, let them know you love them. Little acts of love go a long way, so take some time today and be somebody's angel, you'll be glad you did!

Penny Bowman

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