Friday 18 February 2022

The Light We Share


Lately I have noticed that there are a lot of people who do not see their own worth, instead they get caught up in their imperfections, or are blinded by other people's success. They do not see the courage and strength they demonstrate every day, or the resilience they have shown over years of struggle and stress. They do not see the impact they are having on the people in their lives, the way they bring value and light just by offering kindness and compassionate to those around them every day. They seem to have forgotten that no one is perfect and that we are all here to learn and grow and enjoy this journey we call life. 

So this is for all the imperfect, beautiful souls, who do not realize how important they are, how the simple acts of love they share every day are a source of inspiration for another soul, a little spark that is then carried forward to another, and another, and another, as it fills our world with light... 

I wish

I wish you could see yourself the way I do,

because then you couldn't help but smile

for you would see the beautiful light

I see in you

and feel the warmth of your

kindness and compassion,

you would admire your courage and strength

and marvel at your resilience,

you would be inspired

by the reflection in the mirror,

by a soul who shares her gifts

fully aware she is a work in progress,

an imperfect soul

on a perfect journey

who, just by being,

makes this world

a little kinder,

a little brighter,

and so much more beautiful

with the love and light she shares...

penny bowman


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