Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Time with the River

Time with the River
 We are one

A year ago I realized a dream of mine to live on the water. My partner and I bought a beautiful property on the French River in northern Ontario. I have always been drawn to water, and living here has helped me to understand why. My spirit is moved by water, it speaks to me both figuratively and literally. As many people do, I feel a peace within when I am near it.
Not long after I moved I began writing for a local magazine and what I discovered was a passion to write about my personal experiences living on the water. Each day I take the time to sit and reflect and listen to what the river is telling me. Each day it is something new. Something that feeds my soul and something that I often feel helps bring clarity to my life. I am a stage 4 cancer survivor and believe very much that I am alive to share the lessons of my spirit. The more I listen, the  more humble I become, for I have learned that it is when we listen that we are most open to learning and our hearts have an opportunity to both receive and give.
Often my writing comes in the form of poetry, I particularly enjoy it not just because it comes with a sense of freedom but because I feel I become both the writer and observer since I am frequently surprised by what is spilled out on the page.

When I went down to the dock today, I did not have my usual quiet and privacy. There were neighbours partying in the water next door and I felt a little bit annoyed....I continued with my routine though, and quieted myself and began to listen. This is what my time with the river brought me today:

A bird flies over
a lily drinks,
the wind plays with me
the sun dances,
a thousand spirits are housed here,
I belong to no one
to everyone,
be one with that
and you are one with yourself...

As if that was not enough of a lesson today, I was reminded that for years even though I was compelled to write, and was encouraged to by many people, I thought I had nothing to write about. The river just confirmed that, for I now realize I have everything to write about. Many thanks dear river...