Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Journey

When I started my spiritual journey I had a destination in mind. I wanted to become a more mindful, compassionate, loving person. I wanted to stop judging myself and others, be able to listen to my own inner wisdom and share that wisdom with others. I realize now, the journey never ends. I have learned a great deal and have acquired many skills to help me continue, but I see now how naive I was to think that in some way it had an ending. 
Our spiritual journey is like a parallel journey within this amazing experience we call life. It is a mindful, deliberate decision to become more connected to our own spirit, more of who we already are. Ironically, it is a journey that requires us to stop in order to be on it. For it is when we pause and listen to ourselves and others, when we stop to hear what it is our mind, body, and spirit are trying to share with us, that we are in fact moving forward. In a world where we are all in such a hurry, often so busy and stressed, I hope it is comforting to know that our greatest achievement will most likely happen when we are still.  

when we stop
when we listen with our hearts,
when we see
through the eyes of our soul...
we are home,
and for a moment,
we become the light and love
  we seek...
