Saturday 10 January 2015

New Year's Prayer

Happy New Year! I have had some trouble deciding what to write for my new blog of the year...this will be the third one I have crafted ... the others just did not feel right. Ironically, I had decided this year to try a more light hearted approach, keep it simple ... maybe throw in a few more puns, ( my name is Punny!) perhaps some unusual food recipes, ( like Chinese bird nest soup) or even some practical tips for winter survival ( stay inside!!)
Now that I think about it ... ( re-read the above) perhaps I should just continue on as I have in the past ... let my beautiful, quirky spirit guide me, that was simple enough ... So, here we the way, thanks for listening...

A New Year

may this year
bring you joy,
may you choose love
over fear,
may each day 
 bring awareness
of blessing so near,
may you laugh
may you cry,
may you hold your head high,
as you embrace your humanity
and the love deep inside...

P Bowman