Monday, 22 June 2015

Circle of Strength

Recently I have been thinking about some of my friends and the many other people who are faced with the challenge of healing from cancer. My thoughts are with them, as well as their families and friends, who create, what I believe, is as a circle of strength around them.
So often when we, or those around us are faced with a life threatening disease, we do not know what to say or do and it can be awkward and uncomfortable. We do not want to worry our family, they do not want to burden us... much gets left unsaid. However, when we open ourselves up and share, what emerges, can not only console us, but strengthen, heal, and unite us. Even a small opening allows light to enter... that light can be the beginning of some very meaningful conversations, some new awareness about ourselves and others, and in the process, a great deal of compassion and healing.

 Love is powerful, way more powerful than any disease, so I encourage everyone to feel and express that love in ways that are comfortable for you, whether it be conversations, kindnesses, prayer, or by just sending positive thoughts. Being reminded of how much we are thought about, loved, and needed is a remarkable gift that can help to heal us and restore our energy and drive.

I learned so much during my healing journey, especially once I opened up to what it had to teach me. One of the most important lessons I learned was we can heal ourselves and others ... ( another blog topic some day.)  Much of what I learned came to me once I let go of my skepticism and opened up to what I was receiving, ( we often ask for help, but do not tune in or recognize it when it arrives...)

So share my friends, be open to what you can learn, but most importantly, tell the people in your life that you love them, and shower them with kindness and healing thoughts. I guarantee that everyone will benefit, because that invisible thread that connects us all, lights up when we share our love and kindness with one another.

 Circle of Strength

You're not alone, we're all connected,
though it may not always seem that way,
when fear speaks louder than love,
and thoughts are turned to grey,

The truth, though often a whisper,
shines deep inside to light your way,
for you are loved and guided,
every minute of every day,

You are blessed with people who love you,
A circle of strength, hope and care,
when you open your heart to receive,
Earthly angels will always be there...
