Tuesday 10 November 2015

One Voice... Remembering our Heros

For those who fought for us, who died for us,
and for those who bravely carry on.

One Small Voice for Many

You did not even know me
and we shall never meet,
yet you bravely fought for me
ensuring my freedom,

I 'll never know your story,
I can only glimpse into your heart,
a heart that endured the unthinkable,
as you courageously played your part,

You did not even know me,
and I'm but one small voice
living a better life today,
because of your sacrifice
 and heroic choice,

With a grateful heart,
  one small voice
 in an infinite,
 worldwide chorus, 


love and light,

Penny Bowman

Thursday 5 November 2015

November Reflections


It is November, a time we often dread since it is confirmation that summer is over, fall is winding down, and we are soon entering that other season! Although November can be dreary, in it's defence, ( I am such a sucker for unpopular months) I think it does serve a valuable purpose. It provokes inward reflection, and on behalf of mother nature, and at great risk of being unpopular, it prompts us to slow down, appreciate what we have, and prepare for what comes next.
This November has started off on a friendly note, greeting us with unusually warm temperatures. This rare gift has, in return, inspired many of us to enjoy the great out doors before we are burdened by extra layers of clothing, our unwelcome companions until spring.
Taking advantage of November's kindness, I went for a walk around Ramsey Lake in Sudbury in search of photo opportunities, my trusty sidekick hanging around my neck. Ramsey Lake is a beautiful oasis in the heart of Sudbury with a meandering lockstone walkway that borders the beautiful shoreline, a shoreline dotted with beaches, beautiful old trees, picnic tables, benches, and gazebos.
 I was in high spirits enjoying the unseasonable temperatures when I found myself drawn to stop and admire a rather sentimental spot of mine, one, that on this occassion, gently transported me back in time. I was there, having a picnic with my mom on one of her rare visits up north. It was a gorgeous summer day, one with a blue sky canvas dotted with puffy white clouds, perfect temperatures, and a lovely breeze.
 I could see my mom sitting in the lawn chair we had brought, donning her shorts, socks, running shoes, and sun visor, while we both relaxed, entertained by all the billowing sails that played in the afternoon wind. As the memories came back, I began to cry and felt one of those heart wrenching longings to be able to spend time with my mom once again. It took me a few moments to regain my composure and to realise that I already was ... perhaps not the way I really wanted, but for those brief moments, my mom was there with me, relaxed, smiling her smile and letting me know I was loved. I had a wee chat with her ( in my head...people are already suspicious...) thanked her for that afternoon, all that I had learned from her, and all that I aspire to be because of her. I allowed myself to feel the sadness, let it go, and embrace the love that remained.
Not sure if it was November that prompted the memory, but I am grateful to have slowed down and had the opportunity to reflect and enjoy the moment and the connection I felt with my mom. Perhaps, like November these memories are helping me appreciate what I have, and even more importantly, the source of so much of it.

bring a smile,
sometimes a tear,
but always
heartfelt gratitude
for our blessings...
