Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Finding Joy

For those of us who were unable to escape winter's stubborn grip, it was a tough go this year, one that seemed to stretch way beyond our ability to tolerate the lack of sunshine, inner reflection and isolation that winter often brings. It's finally spring, and even though the weather hasn't fully caught on, I feel it's time we try to reclaim control, shed the winter blues, and begin creating more joy in our lives. Are you with me?

If you are with me, you may be wondering, exactly how do we do this... Glad you asked, I just happen to be blogging about it! I think we begin by deciding to feel better and assume greater responsibility for our happiness. We'll have to be firm, the ego, naughty girl, wants control and will most likely try to discourage us... A positive affirmation, such as I am creating more joy in my life, will be a great start. If you really want to tick off your ego, you can write the affirmation down, shout it from the rooftop, or just feel smug you have taken the first step to feeling happier! Congratulations!

OK, now that you have a new focus, and perhaps some neighbors are staring at you because you chose to yell it from the rooftop... (it was just a suggestion ) it's time to identify what makes you happy. A seemingly innocent question, but really, are you aware of what brings you joy? What puts a smile on your lips, makes your heart sing, or gets you feeling blissful? Take a moment to really think about it, and recall a few occasions when you felt really happy... and this time, maybe just write it down instead of getting on the roof. So, what came to mind? What brings you joy? Is it listening to music, a walk in nature, watching a great comedy, or being artistic? I love all of those, but one of my favourite ways to feel joy is to ride my bike, because it makes me feel like a kid again... (what brought you joy as a kid?)

Whatever it is that brings you joy, acknowledge it, be grateful, and start planning how you can get more of it in your life, starting today. Every morning make it part of your routine to ask yourself, how can I bring myself joy today? Chances are, if you make it a daily ritual, before too long, there will be all kinds of joy lining up waiting for the opportunity to let loose. Most likely, the things on your list will be simple, like a walk in the park, or gardening, or being with your grandchildren. The list will be unique for each one of us, but the benefits will be the same...our days will perk up with little bursts of light, we will begin to feel more optimistic, and our thoughts will be happier. Our positive energy and optimism will in turn affect those around us, joy expressed soon becomes joy multiplied...what feels better than that?

I realize that this exercise may be harder for some than for others, but the important thing is to recognize we all deserve to be happy, and how simple and beneficial it is to sprinkle some joy throughout our day. Joy decreases the effects of stress, and is a great source of motivation and inspiration. Joy is an integral part of who we all are, but it is up to us to get her to come out and play. She is there, beyond the blahs, beyond the tears, and fears, and daily stress. She is waiting in the wings and she will come alive when we nurture her. So do yourself a favor and get her to come out and play!


joy lives
 in a sacred space
  beyond reason and fear
in the playful light of our soul,

joy sings
in blissful harmony
when we break free
and dance to our own unique rhythm,

joy calls
from the sunflowers smile,
the meditative breath,
 from the laughter of a child...

joy multiplies
when we call her forth
give thanks for her spirit
and embrace she is ours...

Joy can always be found,
in light,
in love,
in hope...
