Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Building Bridges ...Having Compassion for one Another

  Although the American election is long over, it has left in it's wake waves of fear, anger, shock and uncertainty. Mr. Trump's outrageous views and behaviour appear to have given validation to those who see themselves as superior in some way, and has helped to embolden them to express their prejudices and hatred in very shocking and unacceptable ways. Like so many people I am tired of hearing about such negativity, and since we cannot change what has happened we must move on and discover the lessons to be learned so we can achieve the changes we so deeply desire and deserve.

  As a female in a same sex relationship I have compassion for those who are marginalized, and appalled and disheartened by the sexist, racial, homophobic prejudice that is present not only in the United States, but here at home in Canada. This will never shift if we remain silent for fear of being criticized or worse, retaliated against. We must speak our truth, share our beliefs, and help each other to be heard, respected, and treated with fairness and dignity. I understand that people may have different beliefs, and I accept mine are not shared by everyone, but it is time that we insist that although we may disagree on important issues, and have strongly opposing views, we are all equal, and have the right to be heard and express ourselves in an environment of mutual respect.

 At the heart of this issue is the need for us to start to value one another as human beings. No one person is more important than another, no one person has the right to bully, spew hatred, disregard, or harm another person because of their beliefs. We are not born with a set of beliefs, they are learned through our experiences and education, and therefore, they can be changed. We need to start to try to understand and accept one another, despite conflicting beliefs.

 Home of the brave? Brave people do not bully, or resort to name calling or violence just because someone is different. Truly courageous people fight for freedom and justice, they heroically step outside their comfort zones and open their hearts to opposing views, people and lifestyles. So many people are afraid of those who are different. So often it is fear and ignorance that feed prejudice. We need to learn about one another so we can develop compassion, for it is compassion that can create a powerful bridge between those who are blinded by each others differences.

  How do we bring about these changes when so many people are entrenched in their beliefs, and so many others feel defeated and powerless? We change that belief first, we are not powerless...we can change, we are powerful! Collectively we need to step out of the shadow fear casts over us, join together, and begin to talk to each other about our beliefs, our fears, our dreams and our experiences. Listening to one another helps us all learn. Change, real change that occurs within, comes about when we are open to changing our beliefs. We need to enlighten ourselves and one another in open, tolerant, and loving exchanges.

  It does not matter where you fit on this spectrum, whether you are one of the marginalized, one of the bullies or someone who distances themselves from getting involved, we all suffer because of it, and we will all benefit when it is healed. We must begin by changing our mindsets. We must have faith and a vision that we can create a world that is tolerant, loving, and kind. We must be part of the change in our own lives, one blog, one conversation, one small step at a time. We can do it!

If we could see into each others hearts
what is it we would see,
innocence and passion,
what stories would there be...

Would we see the walls
 that mask our fears,
resignation and indifference
born from too many tears,

would we learn compassion,
would we understand,
would we see ourselves
in our fellow man...
