Friday 25 October 2019

Be soft Dear One

Be Soft Dear One

be soft with yourself,
for you alone
know what you yearn for,
what makes your heart sing,
what simple joy would nourish,
what small kindness
would bring healing...

so be still dear one,
listen to your soul,
allow the light
to fill you up with love,

be easy on yourself,
only you know your story,
the challenges and triumphs,
that led you here,
made you want more...
to be better,
to understand,
to evolve,

so be kind dear one,
imperfection is our common thread,
no one better than the other,
just fellow travelers on a journey,

be generous with yourself,
accept your worthiness,
wrap up in it's warm embrace,
for your soul knows,
and your heart knows
that you are not the story
that plays inside your head,

so be loving dear one,
for it is who you are,
your guiding light,
the peace and joy you seek,


penny bowman

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Inspired by Spirit: Seeds of Inspiration

Inspired by Spirit: Seeds of Inspiration: It has been awhile since I felt really inspired by someone in the media, but in the past few months, a young lady playing tenn...

Seeds of Inspiration

It has been awhile since I felt really inspired by someone in the media, but in the past few months, a young lady playing tennis did just that. Bianca Andreescu showed the world what dedication, hard work and visualization can manifest if you stay focused on your dreams. She inspired myself and our entire nation not by winning the Rogers Cup and US Open, but by the manner in which she did it. She never gave up when the odds were against her; she remained determined, relied on skills she had honed both physically and mentally, and stayed focused on her goal. Then after winning the two biggest championships of her career, she continued to make all of Canada proud with the grace and ease with which she responded in the media. She did all this as a nineteen year old.

Thank you Bianca, you are a true inspiration, not just to tennis fans but to those of us who so admire your passion, dedication and the spirit in which you play the game. Continue to shine your light, it touches far more hearts than you can imagine!



Fierce competitor
With a gentle soul,
Who captured a nation's heart
Not because she won,
But how,
With focused determination
And a spirit
That knows how to dream...
Keep dreaming big Bianca
They are the seeds
That sprout success
And the source
Of inspiration
For an entire nation..

Penny Bowman