Thursday 31 December 2020

Dream a little Dream


Dream a little Dream

It is New Year's Eve day, and for the first time in my life I will be alone for New Years. As I pondered that idea yesterday, I must admit it brought about some unwelcome thoughts and waves of melancholy that stubbornly survived my restless sleep and creeped into my morning. Thankfully, I can also be stubborn, so I focused on the people and things that inspire me and was able to slip into meditation, connect with my spirit, and regain a more uplifting momentum, one that allowed me to dream my little dreams that help me get through every day. The following poem is a reflection of that...

This year,

let's be filled with hope,

let's dream a dream

each day to cope,

let's see ourselves in warm embrace

with smiles spread broad, across our face,

This year,

let's bathe in light.

let's share

our love, and hold it tight,

let's find our faith, strong once more,

savoring all the good in store,

This year,

let's dwell in grace,

and marvel

at the human race,

let's join together with grateful tears

for the strength, and heroes who carried us here...

With a grateful heart, hopeful spirit, and dreams of wonderful things to come, Happy New Year everyone!

Penny Bowman 2021

Monday 14 December 2020

The Spirit of Christmas

This year we will be celebrating Christmas very differently than we have in the past, but that doesn't mean it's essence has to be diminished, for even though we cannot be with all the people we love, or carry out all of our treasured traditions, the spirit of Christmas is ageless and enduring. And if there was ever a time we needed to be uplifted by her spirit, it is now.

Christmas has always been a time when we believe in miracles, and revel in the magic it unfolds. It is a time we feel like kids again, as we envelop ourselves in an atmosphere of lightheartedness and excited anticipation. I think the real magic of Christmas is that it wakes up our spirits and the beautiful light of hope, joy, and love that resides within all of us.

Although we may not be able to celebrate Christmas in the way we so desperately desire, we can do our best to stay positive, have faith, and find new ways to give and connect. It has been a stressful year, particularly for front line workers and families who have been directly affected by the virus, so more than ever, we need to be supportive, compassionate and hopeful.

In a year when everyone has sacrificed so much, a perfect gift this Christmas might be to let people know how much we value and appreciate them, especially our health care and front line workers. Imagine how uplifting it might be for them to receive a "thank you" Christmas card expressing how much we appreciate all they have done, all they have sacrificed, and all they continue to do. We could send cards to our health care providers and staff at local hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, and nursing homes. We could also thank our friends and families for their ongoing efforts and sacrifices to keep us all safe.

Celebrating Christmas may take more effort and creativity this year, and we may have to shift our expectations, but the simple truth is, we make Christmas what it is! We make it merry by aligning with the joy and hope and love that is always within us, there in every dream we dream, every kindness we extend, and every joy we create. Who knows, by truly appreciating each other, valuing the opportunities we do have to be together, and fostering hope for healthier, happier times to come, we may make this Christmas the most meaningful one yet.

May you stay well this season, and may you find many ways to be joyful and share that joy with others. 

With Appreciation at Christmas


for all the sacrifices you make

that seem to go unnoticed 

even though they weigh

on your heart every day,

thank you for being courageous,

and resilient, and strong,

thank you

for caring

even though it appears

that no one cares in return,

but the thing is, we do...

So, from our hearts to yours, thankyou,

may you feel our love 

wrap you in peace,

keep you well,

and inspire moments of joy,

and may you feel the warmth

of our gratitude,

too big for words,

yet, not enough

for all you have done...

Merry Christmas, on behalf of all the tremendously grateful hearts who do think of you every day.

with love,

Penny Bowman

Sunday 29 November 2020

Waves of Love

Waves of Love

Waves of Love 

Healing in the midst of Chaos

It seems our greatest challenges in life can reap the greatest rewards. I don't think it's a coincidence that when we go through a stressful time, it is followed by a time of grace where equally wonderful things happen. In my case, I realized how loved I was, and what a powerful healer unconditional love can be.

I recently went through of the most difficult times of my life when within two weeks I  found myself without a partner, selling my dream home and searching for a new home and community, all in the midst of this pandemic. At first, I felt victimized, and experienced intense feelings of helplessness, fear, and anxiety. I was overwhelmed with everything I needed to do and unable to fully accept what had happened. I clung to what was familiar, had difficulty making decisions, and quite literally did not want to leave my home. I had panic attacks that left me unable to do the things that I needed to do to move on, I stuttered uncontrollably and cried until I thought my heart would break. I suppose if I didn't have to move, ( the new owner didn't want to accept me as part of the deal..) I might still be doing those things... but adding homelessness to my situation kept me motivated enough to keep trying, despite a very strong desire to just cling to what I loved and was familiar. I had never experienced such a level of fear before, and after six weeks, I began to be very concerned about my health, and to question my ability to regain my footing. Fortunately, my road to recovery also came about quickly, inspired during a meditation session that helped change my perspective, which in turn initiated my healing in a way that I will never forget.  

Like most people, I knew I was loved by my family and close friends, but what I didn't realize was how important and powerful that was in my overall well being. Despite my tenuous state, or maybe because of it, I went through the motion of meditating, I say that, because most days I did not feel my usual connection to spirit. I was very uninspired, until one day, something finally clicked during a guided meditation when I heard the words, " you are loved and you are safe," The moment I heard those words I felt a powerful feeling of  release, resonance, and comfort. For over a month, my daughters, sisters, and close friends were calling to check up on me, coming to visit, bringing me food, driving me to look at houses, and offering help in what ever way I needed, all the while listening to me stutter, cry, and experience intense anxiety. They were showing me, with waves of compassion, over and over, that I was loved, I was safe, and would be ok. I remember repeatedly saying that I didn't know who I was... and indeed, I didn't. I had lost myself to a part of me that was fearful, grieving, overwhelmed, and anxious. Even though my family and friends kept reminding me who I was, it didn't resonate until I found a moment of stillness in meditation when I could connect with my inner being, and the knowing that I was loved and safe. It was after that, that I began to heal... I slowly gained back my faith, and began to believe I would get through this challenge, perhaps even thrive as a result.

As I began to really focus on feeling loved and supported by family and friends, I felt a greater sense of safety, had less anxiety, and was more confident in myself. With my focus on where I wanted to be, I saw even greater evidence in my life that yes, I was loved, safe, and taken care of. I began to align with my inner being again, and remember that life is not what happens to us, it is how we think about it. Thankfully, a part of me knew who I was, and what I really desired, even during my worst moments, and so I was drawn, ( a few times kicking and screaming)  to buy a home in a beautiful, friendly community that has proven to be a peaceful haven for me where I am making friends, finding wonderful opportunities to do the things I love, while being in closer proximity to my children, and sisters, and tremendous friends. And, as the law of attraction would have it, as I continue to focus on the feelings of being loved, supported and safe, I see more and more evidence of it every day. 

Sometimes the most difficult times in life can manifest some of the greatest moments and rewards in life, and this experience has been a great reminder of that. It has helped me to be more compassionate and supportive of people who experience anxiety, and it has brought me to a community where I feel safe and at home, and can experience a lifestyle I have always wanted. It has also helped me to tune in to my inner being more frequently, and thus a wonderful reminder of empowering, spiritual truths that have deepened my faith, and enhanced my ability to create the joy, peace, and love I want in my life.

Dedicated to my friends and family who shone the light of love so brightly, I could not look the other way, and to the spirit within, my eternal, faithful, inspirational beacon. My gratitude knows no end.

You didn't know it

but your unconditional love and kindness,

your compassion

while bearing witness,

freed me, 

I was lost 

and the light you shone

led me back 

to my own heart,

to my own light

and the wisdom and truth

I could not see,

I am loved, and I am safe,

I am free...



Friday 12 June 2020

Together we are Awakened, Together we must Act

"Some" of the Parts

For some, the enemy remains invisible,
they do not see the sick and suffering,
know death's name,
or feel the unspeakable grief of families
who cannot seek solace in one another's arms,

For some, the enemy has many faces,
they wake up each day with heavy hearts,
stretch a mask over yesterday's scars
and somehow summon courage and strength
to walk through the fear into the fire...

For all,
life is inconvenient, and challenging,
a strange test of our resilience and humanity,
a nightmare lived each day
in which the voice of reason is muffled
the call to unite not fully unanswered,
a call that would reminds us
stay the course, 
stay strong,
pull together,
for each part of the whole is better
when we act as one...

The difficult times we are living through, as all difficult times, tests our strength, resilience and character. This pandemic has given birth to some of our darkest moments, exposing that which needs to change, and at times, the rather ugly side of humanity.... the greed, self serving practices, hypocrisy, injustices and systemic racism. It has also shone a light on the brighter side of human nature, our kindness, self sacrifice, courage, resilience, creativity, and our willingness to support one another and unite. 
In the midst of this crisis we have all been called to take a good look in the mirror and see ourselves, to examine our humanity, the principles and practices that define us, and most importantly, the way we take care of one another... It is my deepest hope, that we will see this pandemic as an awakening, a call to action,  a time for us to think of the greater good and realize that when each part of the whole is strong and healthy, we are all better for it...
I encourage us all to take a good look at the role we have played in  this pandemic, and examine how we can do better moving forward. Let's put forth our greatest effort to make sure we honor the lives lost. Let's do our part by implementing and supporting changes we now know are crucial, and by moving forward with love and compassion. Our power lies in our unity, together we are awakened, together we must act!

In honour of those we have lost, those we have forgotten, and those who serve every day and who's cries we have not heeded...

Penny Bowman

Saturday 2 May 2020

Every Day

Every Day

There are so many things about this pandemic that are disturbing to me, but what I find most upsetting, and what breaks my heart is that all the people who have died and are ill seem to have been reduced to a daily statistic. The number of people who have fallen, and the circumstances under which they have passed are difficult for most of us to comprehend. I think about them every day, and the families who were not able to be at their side, or join together after their death to grieve their loss. I hope that somehow they can feel the collective sorrow, empathy, and love of the millions of people like myself around the world who care deeply. This poem is a small tribute to their lives, and hopefully a source of comfort to their families knowing that they are held in great love.

Every day I pray
the unimaginable will end,
and those who have lost this battle
will not be forgotten,
that their lives will be more
than just a number
recited daily on the news,
the grim reminder
of our new reality...

I pray the fallen
will always be remembered,
that our collective sorrow,
silent tears
and unspoken condolences
are somehow felt,
that in some way
our broken hearts
pay homage
to lives taken
and the tremendous loss ...

I pray there will be a time
when hearts can mend,
when families
can come together
to mourn their loss,
to grieve the unimaginable,
to share their love,
and find peace and comfort
once again,
in warm embrace...

with love and light,

Penny Bowman

Thursday 16 April 2020

Faith’s Whisper

Faith often begins as a whisper,
The quiet voice inside our head
That brings us comfort,
Tells us to hold on,
To believe…
And as we listen
It becomes stronger,
Nurturing courage and hope,
A knowing that
 All will be well,
We are not alone
If we stay open...
Its own miracle,
A precious gift
Waiting inside
Each one of us…

Penny Bowman

Sunday 12 April 2020

Every Bit of Love

Every Bit of Love

Although you may feel helpless during this pandemic, you are not. Our thoughts and actions send energy out into into the world which impacts us all. Positive thoughts and actions create positive energy, your kindness, support, hope, prayers, and gratitude are powerful ways to contribute. 
Every bit of love heals...

Every Bit of Love

Every prayer,
every act of kindness,
every spark of hope,
every feeling of gratitude, 
every positive vision, 
every show of support,
creates a ripple...
 every whisper of love
    we breathe into the world 
         brings healing,
               every bit of love helps...

Penny Bowman

Wednesday 1 April 2020

The Power of Hope


During these very stressful times, it is important for us all to try and keep our spirits up and remain hopeful. Our positive thoughts send waves of good energy into a world that desperately needs that right now. Nurturing hope helps us remain open minded, so we can stay positive and open the door to creative solutions. We cannot control what is going on around us, but we can control how we respond, and therefore contribute...

Hope, when harnessed, can be a very powerful force, it can not only contribute to our sense of well being, and those around us, it can inspire creative problem solving. When we quiet our troubled minds and go within, hope will be there in mindful breath and momentary pause, ready to lift us up and offer a new perspective. When we actually focus on cultivating hope it not only can bring us peace, calm and clarity, it can take us away from the shadows in our minds and lead us forward into an inspiring reservoir of light. When cultivated hope can be our anchor in troubled waters, and we can attain it by planting the seeds, one positive, uplifting thought at a time...

Our Candle in the Dark

Like the sun that comes up in the morning,

hope is a powerful light
that lifts our spirit
and leads us forward,
for with inspired minds and hearts
we give birth to our imagination
and the infinite possibilities
she offers,
hope beckons us with love  
to bathe in the comfort and peace within,
hope helps us to believe in the impossible,
go beyond our fears
and manifest miracles...
our beautiful, unwavering, candle in the dark...

penny bowman

Saturday 28 March 2020

Now is the Time

Now is the time

Now is the time
To practice faith,
To focus on a vision,
To see beyond what is,
To dream of the wellness and joy
We all desperately desire,

Now is the time
To nurture hope,
To keep our hearts strong
To resolve fear will not win
To focus on little blessings,
And be grateful,

Now is the time
To think of the whole,
To see our connectedness
To understand the power of one,
To support those called to courage
With compassion and respect,

Now is the time to believe,
To connect within, and listen,
To shine our light and love,
To know the energy that created us
Can heal us too,
Now is the time…

penny bowman

Friday 20 March 2020

The Power of One

The Power of One

We are currently in a crisis that requires that we all work together. Even though we may feel helpless, we aren't, we may not be able to control what is happening, but we can all control the way we respond. I am an adamant believer, through experience, that our thoughts are powerful. Our thoughts create energy and that energy then influences what we manifest in our lives. Our bodies are no exception, and science has proven that they too, physically respond to the content of our thinking. Having experienced that first hand as well, I believe it is very important at this time that we send our bodies thoughts which focus on our physical well being and healing. 

It is normal to have fearful thoughts in a crisis, I did a deep negative dive a few times before I was able to step back and turn my thoughts around. What I did, and what we all need to do, is to observe the  fearful thoughts and deliberately choose to replace them with empowering, positive ones. I repeated mantras that were meaningful to me, such as, all shall be well, every cell in my body is healthy and well, and we can do this together... It's best to choose something that feels right for you, it might be as simple as I am perfectly healthy. Once you get positive thoughts flowing, they can be reinforced by avoiding anything that causes a fear response (like listening to the news, or negative social media posts) It also helps to spend time meditating, relaxing, listening to uplifting music, cooking etc., anything at all that makes you feel healthy, happy and calm. 

Thoughts are powerful, the combined thought of many people, even more powerful, so let's work together to create good feeling thoughts and positive energy for what we all want, wellness, healing, and the best possible outcome to this crisis. Nature reminds us that miracles happen every day, let's try focusing on that! 
I wish everyone good health, and good thoughts. Much light and love my friends.

We Are One

When my spirit whispers we are one,
I understand in ways I did not before,
We are one,
One world, one continent, one nation, one city,

We are one prayer
for all to be safe and well,
One healing thought
for the sick,
One hand reaching out
to those in need,

We are one sea of gratitude
for those still serving,
One promise
that we'll all do our part,
One appeal to our collective faith,
One hope that all shall be well...

Together, in positive thought,
We can be the miracle,
We can realize
The power of One...

Penny Bowman

Sunday 5 January 2020

Heart and Soul

Soul talk

In sunset hues
or the chickadees call,
in petals soft
or the snowflakes fall,

You'll find me where
your heart finds a home,
you'll find me where
inspiration roams,

For I am where joy
and peace begin,
I am the truth
and the beauty within, 

I am the silence,
I am the space,
I am the love
You can never erase...

penny bowman