Friday, 12 June 2020

Together we are Awakened, Together we must Act

"Some" of the Parts

For some, the enemy remains invisible,
they do not see the sick and suffering,
know death's name,
or feel the unspeakable grief of families
who cannot seek solace in one another's arms,

For some, the enemy has many faces,
they wake up each day with heavy hearts,
stretch a mask over yesterday's scars
and somehow summon courage and strength
to walk through the fear into the fire...

For all,
life is inconvenient, and challenging,
a strange test of our resilience and humanity,
a nightmare lived each day
in which the voice of reason is muffled
the call to unite not fully unanswered,
a call that would reminds us
stay the course, 
stay strong,
pull together,
for each part of the whole is better
when we act as one...

The difficult times we are living through, as all difficult times, tests our strength, resilience and character. This pandemic has given birth to some of our darkest moments, exposing that which needs to change, and at times, the rather ugly side of humanity.... the greed, self serving practices, hypocrisy, injustices and systemic racism. It has also shone a light on the brighter side of human nature, our kindness, self sacrifice, courage, resilience, creativity, and our willingness to support one another and unite. 
In the midst of this crisis we have all been called to take a good look in the mirror and see ourselves, to examine our humanity, the principles and practices that define us, and most importantly, the way we take care of one another... It is my deepest hope, that we will see this pandemic as an awakening, a call to action,  a time for us to think of the greater good and realize that when each part of the whole is strong and healthy, we are all better for it...
I encourage us all to take a good look at the role we have played in  this pandemic, and examine how we can do better moving forward. Let's put forth our greatest effort to make sure we honor the lives lost. Let's do our part by implementing and supporting changes we now know are crucial, and by moving forward with love and compassion. Our power lies in our unity, together we are awakened, together we must act!

In honour of those we have lost, those we have forgotten, and those who serve every day and who's cries we have not heeded...

Penny Bowman