Thursday 31 December 2020

Dream a little Dream


Dream a little Dream

It is New Year's Eve day, and for the first time in my life I will be alone for New Years. As I pondered that idea yesterday, I must admit it brought about some unwelcome thoughts and waves of melancholy that stubbornly survived my restless sleep and creeped into my morning. Thankfully, I can also be stubborn, so I focused on the people and things that inspire me and was able to slip into meditation, connect with my spirit, and regain a more uplifting momentum, one that allowed me to dream my little dreams that help me get through every day. The following poem is a reflection of that...

This year,

let's be filled with hope,

let's dream a dream

each day to cope,

let's see ourselves in warm embrace

with smiles spread broad, across our face,

This year,

let's bathe in light.

let's share

our love, and hold it tight,

let's find our faith, strong once more,

savoring all the good in store,

This year,

let's dwell in grace,

and marvel

at the human race,

let's join together with grateful tears

for the strength, and heroes who carried us here...

With a grateful heart, hopeful spirit, and dreams of wonderful things to come, Happy New Year everyone!

Penny Bowman 2021

Monday 14 December 2020

The Spirit of Christmas

This year we will be celebrating Christmas very differently than we have in the past, but that doesn't mean it's essence has to be diminished, for even though we cannot be with all the people we love, or carry out all of our treasured traditions, the spirit of Christmas is ageless and enduring. And if there was ever a time we needed to be uplifted by her spirit, it is now.

Christmas has always been a time when we believe in miracles, and revel in the magic it unfolds. It is a time we feel like kids again, as we envelop ourselves in an atmosphere of lightheartedness and excited anticipation. I think the real magic of Christmas is that it wakes up our spirits and the beautiful light of hope, joy, and love that resides within all of us.

Although we may not be able to celebrate Christmas in the way we so desperately desire, we can do our best to stay positive, have faith, and find new ways to give and connect. It has been a stressful year, particularly for front line workers and families who have been directly affected by the virus, so more than ever, we need to be supportive, compassionate and hopeful.

In a year when everyone has sacrificed so much, a perfect gift this Christmas might be to let people know how much we value and appreciate them, especially our health care and front line workers. Imagine how uplifting it might be for them to receive a "thank you" Christmas card expressing how much we appreciate all they have done, all they have sacrificed, and all they continue to do. We could send cards to our health care providers and staff at local hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, and nursing homes. We could also thank our friends and families for their ongoing efforts and sacrifices to keep us all safe.

Celebrating Christmas may take more effort and creativity this year, and we may have to shift our expectations, but the simple truth is, we make Christmas what it is! We make it merry by aligning with the joy and hope and love that is always within us, there in every dream we dream, every kindness we extend, and every joy we create. Who knows, by truly appreciating each other, valuing the opportunities we do have to be together, and fostering hope for healthier, happier times to come, we may make this Christmas the most meaningful one yet.

May you stay well this season, and may you find many ways to be joyful and share that joy with others. 

With Appreciation at Christmas


for all the sacrifices you make

that seem to go unnoticed 

even though they weigh

on your heart every day,

thank you for being courageous,

and resilient, and strong,

thank you

for caring

even though it appears

that no one cares in return,

but the thing is, we do...

So, from our hearts to yours, thankyou,

may you feel our love 

wrap you in peace,

keep you well,

and inspire moments of joy,

and may you feel the warmth

of our gratitude,

too big for words,

yet, not enough

for all you have done...

Merry Christmas, on behalf of all the tremendously grateful hearts who do think of you every day.

with love,

Penny Bowman