Saturday 30 January 2021

How to Survive, Maybe even Thrive (highly doubtful) With Just Your Own Company


                                    Tips to Survive Your Own Company (Part One)


            Are you living alone during this pandemic and feeling the stress of only having yourself to talk to, look at, blame, ask for help, or complain to? Take heart, these tips may or may not help.


  1.  Agree with everything you say, whether it's crazy or not, there will be lots of occasions after this when you will be challenged by others....enjoy the ego boost while you can get it!
  2. Sing as often as you can, even if you're off key and don't know the words, it will prepare/ toughen you up for future karaoke nights.
  3. After you shower in the morning play Pharrell William's song, Happy, and dance like no one is watching...but first be sure to avoid any mirrors that could discourage you from continuing.
  4. If you are tired of eating alone, invite an imaginary friend, and bonus...ask them to cook!
  5. If you have lots of questions and  are worried because people say it's ok to talk to yourself as long as you don't answer yourself...again, don't worry, I checked a couple of times, and apparently I think it's fine.
  6. If you are tired of seeing the same face all the time, change it up ladies, let that facial hair grow, mustaches, beards... the guys do it, remember movember? You could be a trend setter!!
  7. If you can, find someone in your neighborhood you can go for walks with, but make sure you wear your mask, that mustache is probably coming along, you do not want to scare them off.
  8. If you are still really tired of talking to yourself, even though you now know it's ok to answer, watch a T.V. talk show, like Marilyn Denis, write down all the questions she asks a guest, then play it back, and here is the tricky part, be the host, ask the question before Marilyn does, and bingo! You now have a celebrity/expert answering your questions... and, you are ready to host your own show!
  9. If you are letting the housework slip, and having a hard time getting motivated, get this,... fire yourself! No one likes to be fired ( look at Trump and how hard he tried to stay on...) It could motivate you, or piss you off, either way, you have passed some time...
  10. If you are trying hard to stay optimistic, imagine all the things you are going to do when this is over, visualize sipping wine with others, cocktail parties, champagne breakfasts, etc., and if visualizing doesn't make you feel better, actually drink the wine, and the cocktails, and the champagne!

Full Disclosure:
I actually do a few of the tips above and they seem to be helping, ok, I do most of them, alright, I do all but one...the point is, I hope in some small way this helps those of you who live alone or those of you who are so tired of the person you are living with you are pretending that you live alone. Either way, sending you smiles and warm fuzzies.

On a more serious note, I really do hope you are finding things that bring some joy and a smile to your ulterior motive in all this. Take good care, wear that mask, and trim that mustache! 
love and light,
Penny Bowman

Thursday 28 January 2021

Be an Angel

Let's talk, honestly...

let's find the courage

to dig deep

where the truth, long buried

 yearns to be heard,

 but fears to be exposed...

let's stop judging

and start listening 

with open hearts,

so weary hearts

can open up the floodgates

and still feel loved and safe,

so children can understand 

feeling are never wrong,

just messengers here to guide us,

let's talk,

let's begin to understand

we are kindred spirits,

we all laugh, and we all cry,  

we all bleed,

and we all heal with love...

Having recently experienced some mental health issues, I am here to say that having supportive people in my life who did not judge me made all the difference in my ability to recover. At the time I felt lost, but the repeated acts of love and faith people demonstrated helped me regain my sense of self, and gave me the strength and motivation to carry on. So often we underestimate the impact that our support can have on someone. My friends and family were the angels I needed to be able to see my worth and have confidence in myself again. I am not sure I will ever be able to fully convey what that meant to me.

I am sharing this in hopes that you might realize that even what might seem like a small gesture to you can make a huge difference in someone's life. This pandemic has left everyone feeling vulnerable so I urge you to find little ways to reach out to the people in your life and connect, let them know you love them. Little acts of love go a long way, so take some time today and be somebody's angel, you'll be glad you did!

Penny Bowman

Sunday 24 January 2021

Love is Always There


Love is Always there

 From our darkest times

our deepest desires arise,

we are creators,

thoughts turn to things,

wanted or not...

hope brings us light,

despair holds us hostage in the shadows,

the challenge, to ignore the darkness,

and turn towards that which brings a smile,

to believe, that even in despair

love is always there,

calling us...

and when we finally believe

we are worthy,

and embrace her with open arms,

all is well...

To know despair is human, to understand it can be the birthplace of joy, is freedom, and what being here is all about...

Penny Bowman


Saturday 16 January 2021

Go Easy on Yourself


Go easy on Yourself

Our resilience, courage, and faith

are being tested,

and we have responded

with more strength than most realize,

although unprepared

we are adapting and doing our best,

so go easy on yourself…

every moment we can let our light shine

is a triumph to be proud of,

as is every shadow we endure,

be patient and kind,

and when you are not,

go easy on yourself…

let yourself believe

that soon things will be better,

let a little hope and faith

seep through the weary cracks and uplift

and when you cannot

go easy on yourselves, dear ones,

and be in awe of how well you have done…


I wrote this blog because I hear a lot of people being critical of themselves these days. These are unprecedented times, times during which we need to nurture ourselves and recognize the great strength and resilience we have already shown. This is not a time to judge ourselves or be critical of the things we are doing to adapt. It is instead, a time to accept we are doing our best, a time to soften our expectations and find little ways to feel good each day. It is a time my friends, we deserve to go easy on ourselves!

 Stay strong, dream of better days, and when you can, allow hope to be your light along the way.

Penny Bowman

Friday 8 January 2021

Somewhere between Hope and Happiness


between hope and happiness
there is a bridge
paved with dreams we dream
and the the joy
that springs from them...

between hope and happiness
there are daisies
dancing in the wind
grown from the seeds
we dared to sow...

between hope and happiness
we believe
and the magic really unfolds
because we now understand
that we are the miracle we've been longing for,

Somewhere, between hope and happiness, lies faith...

Penny Bowman