Hopeful Hearts
It's a cool, rainy day, a full year into the pandemic, and like most people, I am frustrated and trying hard to stay hopeful in the midst of such overwhelming circumstances. I am thankful for the onset of spring, for even in a pandemic, or perhaps because of it, spring fosters a sense of hopefulness and the anticipation of better things to come. With longer, warmer days, and fresh buds that promise beautiful blossoms, she brings a smile to my heart and a host of reasons to feel grateful.
This year, spring has reminded me that hope is an essential part of our mental health, for it carries us away from our stressful thinking towards more positive, comforting thoughts. Some people see hope as a way of avoiding reality, or being a dreamer, but I see it as the opposite, to me, hope is a way of responding, a choice we can make about how we want to feel. We can complain about what is and build a momentum of negative energy, or we can develop a habit of focusing on what we do want and feel better in the process. Hope is like a bridge that can take us from the dark places in our minds towards happier perspectives, helping us not only combat despair, but build positive momentum and optimism.
When we cultivate hope, it can become a way of thinking, a habit that both uplifts and empowers us. Hope happens when we allow ourselves to dream. It connects us with our desires, but even more importantly, it makes us feel good immediately. Try it for a moment, close your eyes and let yourself hope for something... visualize it happening, then take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to savor the feeling it brings. I'll bet it made you smile, perhaps even sigh... Hope is like a faithful friend who is always there, ready to comfort and uplift. The only catch is, you need to reach out.
So my friends, if you want to feel better in any moment try practicing hope... hope for better days when we'll be able to get together and embrace the people we love, hope for a miraculous end to the pandemic, hope for our nurses and doctors and front line workers to stay healthy and strong, hope for people to recover, hope for silver linings, hope for the strength and grace getting through this. Hope for whatever makes you smile and gives your heart a lift. The best part is, when you do practice hope, you can be a source of hope to others, a little beacon of light that brings someone a smile, some momentary comfort, or renewed faith. Hope is a beautiful act of self love as well as an inspiring gift for the people we share it with. Wishing you all the blessings a hopeful heart brings.
love and light,
our soul's gentle nudge
to keep dreaming,
a twinkle of light,
that uplifts our heart,
and brings a warm smile
and soft sigh,
lies within,
a gentle reminder
of who we are,
our beacon in the darkness
carrying us towards
a better tomorrow...
Penny Bowman