Saturday, 12 February 2022

The Gift of Self Compassion


During our lives most of us will experience the pain of losing, or being hurt by people we love, and quite often, we will react by shutting down in a rather misguided attempt to protect our hearts. Unfortunately, this does not help,  for it holds us back from the very things that can heal us, compassion, and love... Contrary to our instincts, we need to keep our hearts open, for it is only with open hearts that we can receive the healing and wisdom required to move on and learn from the experience. For many of us, this takes time, and that's ok. Although the journey is unique for each of us, we all benefit when we remain receptive to the love and support around us, and have faith that things will eventually get better.

  Like an open window, an open heart allows us to experience life with a fresh perspective so we can gain new insights. Surprisingly, one of my greatest insights was to understand that not all hearts are the same, they don't all hold a similar amount of compassion and love. With this realization, I stopped expecting other people to respond as I might, and I learned to appreciate my own capacity for compassion. Even more importantly, I realized that I needed to extend that compassion to myself. Like so many of you, I can be my own biggest critic, and not as gentle with myself as I am with others. Most people, (ourselves included,) are doing the best they can, given what they know.

For those of you who can relate to this, and are mending a broken heart, or struggling emotionally, I extend my love, and wish you a journey filled with beautiful insights, healing, and the compassion of those around you. Even more importantly, I wish you all one of the greatest gifts and acts of love we can give ourselves... the art of self compassion and love. 

love and light my friends,


Open Hearts and Windows

 I will not close my heart,
 I will keep it open
  like a window that invites 
     in the breeze,
      so that love's healing touch
        might wash over me 
         and guide me back
           to who I am,
             and the gifts
               of compassion
                  that await...
                    penny bowman