Sunday, 7 August 2022

The Wonder of You... A tribute to children with Cancer


This August I am riding in the Sick Kid's Hospital Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer, and I must say it has become a source of inspiration and hope for me. As a part of the fundraising efforts I have had the privilege of reading the stories of many of the children we are riding for. Going through cancer as a adult is difficult, but to face that challenge as a child is way beyond anything someone young should have to experience, and yet, their stories reflect amazing courage, resilience and strength that far exceeds their years. 

I am humbled to be able to ride in support of these children and inspired by the grace, dignity and strength they demonstrate. It is my hope that some day we will not need to ride any more, but in the meantime, I pray that every child will be well again, and that the light they shine so beautifully in spite of their challenges gives the rest of us a reason to to be inspired, stronger, kinder and more loving.

Many, many thanks to those of you who have sponsored the challenge, you are an essential part of keeping those little lights shining. If you have not already donated and would like to please use the link at the bottom of the page. 

The Wonder of You

Like a delicate flower

blown about in the wind

you are stronger,

far more resilient,

and much more beautiful

than you realize,

but we,

we who have watched you grow,

we who love you... we know,

and every day, we give thanks,

and are inspired

by the sheer wonder of you!

light and love,

penny bowman