Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Unbreakable... The Spirit of Ukraine




Our hearts break

as we witness the unthinkable, 

haunted by the eyes of

innocent children,

 mothers and fathers,

 soldiers and citizens,

 eyes that cannot mask

the burden they bear,

eyes reflecting such deep sorrow,

eyes not certain of tomorrow

only the horrors of today,

mournful reflections

of lives lost, and torn apart

by a greedy lust for power

 while the world watches in horror

too afraid to challenge madness...

history repeating itself,

what have we learned...

our weary hearts confused, and overwhelmed

 slowly grow numb,

but a nation's spirit

 does not concede,

instead it lights up the world

with it's courage and love,

and empowers itself

to stand bravely alone

redefining the meaning of courage

and reminding the world

that no matter how dark the days become,

not even a mad man has the power

 to break a nations spirit...


My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Ukraine, and to the collective hearts that suffer alongside them. I know people around the world are united in prayer for their well being and the peace and freedom they deserve. May this light and love we share bring some small comfort.

respectfully, with love and light,

Penny Bowman

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