Friday 10 May 2024

Happy Mother's Day to Those no longer with us


                                               For all the mom's who are no longer with us,

     For all the mom's 

     who are no longer with us,

     you will never be forgotten,

     for we carry you in our hearts

     and think of you every day

     in so many ways,

     when we hear your favorite song,

     or see lilacs in bloom,

     when a butterfly flits by,

     or we smell your favorite perfume,

     How could we forget you

     when so often you are the voice in our heads,

     and the source of our inspiration and strength,

     we miss you, and long for one more day,

     one more hug, one more smile,

     no, we will never forget you

     for your love is woven into the fabric of our hearts,

     and still brings us light every day...

     with gratitude,

      for your dedication, strength and love, 

            Penny Bowman

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Love is always Calling


                                                          Love is Always Calling

For a very long time I have been drawn to heart shapes, but until recently, I never really gave it much thought. I just knew that I could not pass by one without taking a look, which inevitably resulted in me either adding to my collection, or being slightly disappointed that I didn't. As a matter of fact, I spotted a heart shaped rock on the beach today and, yes, I brought it home with me. ( love it when they are free) I added it to a rather eclectic collection of hearts lovingly scattered around my home, all of which bring a little sigh and a smile when I look at them.

 Initially, I didn't think much of my preoccupation, but when I realized that the hearts bought me a real sense of peace, I began to understand their pull. They were a sweet reminder that love is who we are, and when we connect with that love, we always feel good. Like a magnet, it is always pulling us towards our likeness and since love is the one thing we all have in common, it's quite a natural way for us to connect. Like an invisible thread, love unites us and provides beautiful opportunities not only for connection, but for feelings of inspiration, joy and peace. A powerful force, love is literally and figuratively always calling out to us with reminders and opportunities for us to give, receive, and appreciate love.

So the next time love calls out to you, when you get that urge to pick up a heart shaped rock, call someone you love, lend a helping hand, hang out with friends and family, or you are feeling drawn to get out in nature, embrace the opportunity to enjoy more love in your life and answer the call! Love is waiting!

Happy Heart Day!

love and light,


Love's Call

I call out to you,

with the chickadees song

the lure of  peaceful waters,

with sweet melodies

that uplift your heart,

and make it sing,

I reach out to you, 

with kindnesses,

and friendly smiles,

so we might connect,

so you might remember,

who you really are ...

I call out 

not just because 

I love you,

but because I feel complete

and such utter joy

when you answer the call...

penny bowman