Saturday, 2 November 2024

Honoring our Veterans...


Never again, we said,

never again,

let's honor our veterans,

let's learn from the past...

but it seems like never again

has become a distant whisper, 

and peace a pawn

for political gain,

the lust for power

much more lucrative

than our collective cries, 

suffering, and pain...


 what if,

 we stopped fighting

 the same wars

 again and again,

what if

we saw our common humanity,

respected our differences,

and understood each others pain,

what if,

with a new perspective,

 we realized that we, the people, are powerful,

 and what we, the people, united, might gain...


I write this with sincere gratitude for those who bravely fought and died, and for those who bravely fought and have been forever changed. To everyone who has lost someone, my deepest condolences, and to those who are supporting our heroes who return home, thank you! 

Although grateful for those who continue to fight for our freedom and democracy, like most people, I pray for a world where we are able to solve our problems peacefully, respect one another and feel the invisible thread of humanity that unites us all. I pray that some day we will embrace the wisdom that real power comes from our ability to connect to that humanity and use our "power" for the good of all...

May you find peace within,

 love and light,


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