Wednesday 24 February 2016

Finding Beauty Wherever You Are

After going on a Caribbean cruise and returning to frigid, snowy weather in northern Ontario, it seems only natural that a person might feel somewhat let down and a little nostalgic for warm temperatures and pristine turquoise waters. Sorry to disappoint all the winter haters, but last week as I was driving down the highway on a blue sky, -26 degree celsius morning, I felt a sense of elation and awe (and quite frankly a little surprise) as I looked out the window and was drawn into the rugged natural beauty that surrounded me. I felt as if I were a part of  it, and, ( perhaps I should only be sharing this part with my therapist) I must say, it was like getting a great big hug from Mother Nature herself!
The towering rock cuts bordering both sides of the highway ( formed from blasting through tons of rock) seemed even more impressive than usual, perhaps because they were softened by layers of snow that seemed to have been painted on with a brush. Artistic swirls and powdery white waves of snow hung gracefully over the edges of the rocks, transforming them into pieces of art. I was also mesmerised by the giant frozen waterfalls that hung motionless, their strong, frigid grip securing them safely against the ancient walls of granite. It was as if the water's momentum had been magically halted in order to sculpt these massive, icy, moments in time.
I would have liked to have taken a photograph, but there was no safe place to stop, and I did not want to actually become one with the nature. I have included a picture that is similar to what I saw, ( taken at the French River ) but not quite as spectacular as what I saw along the highway.
As I continued to drive that morning, I was reminded that there is beauty to be found everywhere. We are immersed in it whether we are on a Caribbean beach, the city streets of Toronto, or a northern Ontario highway... often, it's just a matter of acquiring the right perspective, and taking the time to open our eyes and hearts so we can appreciate what is in front of us.
So my fellow travellers, wherever you are on this beautiful planet, ( especially if you are not thrilled to be there at this moment ) I hope you discover the beauty that's waiting to give you a hug!


turquoise blue waters,
  pink quartz
kissed by the sun,
flower petals
smooth metals,
sculpted each one...
painted canvas
painted skin,
 painted sky,
up above, 
beauty is found
 in all things
made with love...


1 comment:

  1. Lovely Penny....I like to think of every day as being a gift from Mother Nature. Each day is a blank canvas...until we put our "brush marks" on perspective and attitude and in picture taking. Thanks for sharing.
