Wednesday 29 June 2016

An Open Heart

There are times when we all feel like shutting down, when we are hurt by others and feel the need to protect ourselves. It seems logical and yet I believe it is one of the worst things we can do, and, contrary to our instincts, does not make sense.
When we are hurt by something someone has said or done it seems counter productive to me to shut down the very thing that can heal us...our love. Keeping our hearts open allows us to think more positively and to give ourselves the love and compassion we need, and to accept it from others. It also enables us to have compassion and forgiveness for those who have hurt us. Carrying around grudges and anger can be a heavy load that weighs us down with bitterness and cynicism.
It is our hearts that know the truth about who we are and can lead us to our inner wisdom when our minds might lead us astray. An open heart can give us a new perspective, help us take a step back from our egos, and shed light on our darker moments. Having an open heart does not hurt us, it is the gentle wave that would wash away the pain other people and our own misguided thinking might inflict..
Our hearts never close on their own, they are open doors, and we need only walk through them. When we do, they will be there, in the peaceful stillness, softly reminding us, we have a depth and beauty within that never waivers, for love is who we are... So when you might want to close your heart, go visit it instead, and listen... you just might just find yourself a new best friend!

The truth is,
love is who we are...
magical love,
love that can heal us
and remind us
of our truth,

An open heart
is like a bud that
seeks the light
and thus blossoms
revealing a depth
and inner beauty
that divinely exceeds
what our minds might imagine...


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