Tuesday, 28 December 2021



A few years ago I wrote a blog celebrating the uplifting emotions we associate with Christmas and I realize now how short sighted I was. The past few Christmas's most of us have been on an emotional roller coaster ride, doing our best to take things in stride. Those of us that can be with our family are counting our blessings, very aware many others will not have that opportunity. The pandemic has not only taken far too many lives, but has systematically altered the way we live them, including how we celebrate Christmas. Understandably, it has had a huge impact on our emotional wellbeing, as well as the way we look at life. It has definitely helped me gain a broader, more compassionate perspective of the "feelings" of Christmas. 

In perfect world, Christmas should be an uplifting, joyful time for everyone, but unfortunately it is not. For many people it is a time that magnifies emotions, especially those those struggling with depression, health issues, loss, or stress. The season, best known for bringing peace and joy can also be a trigger for depression, loneliness, and anxiety, and we need to acknowledge and have compassion for the duality. That contrast of emotions became apparent to me the other day when I was dropping off gifts to dear friends of mine. I felt the joy that comes from sharing, tinged with the sadness of being limited to a quick visit at the door. Safe to say, Christmas has always stirred up a mixed bag of emotions, it just seems more painfully apparent to many of us now.

Given our circumstances, it's important that we are kind and gentle with ourselves and one another, and allow whatever feelings surface to be expressed in a safe, non judgmental space. During these extraordinarily stressful times I also feel it is very important that we do our best to share our light with one another so we don't lose hope. A compassionate heart and little acts of kindness, like sharing Christmas baking, or calling someone, might be the spark of light that brightens someone's day and fuels their optimism. By reaching out we are saying, I hope you know I care, I hope you know you're not alone, I hope things get better soon, too... We are sharing hope. 

So, in the mix of all the emotions you'll feel this season, I wish you many joyful, uplifting ones. I also pray you find reasons to feel hope and optimism in the New Year, so you might become a "lightkeeper" and shine that bright beautiful light of yours into a world that desperately needs that right now.

The light of love

shines brightest

in the smallest of gifts,

a kind word,

a thoughtful deed,

a listening ear,

what greater gift 

than sparks of light and love

that might blossom into hope...

love and light,

Penny Bowman

Thursday, 2 December 2021

More than a Number


More than a Number

From the beginning of this pandemic, it has always bothered me to see people's lives reduced to a number. I think if we had put faces and stories to the numbers, perhaps it would have really helped grieving families, given some respect and honor to those who have died, and possibly influenced people's behaviors. Perhaps putting a face to the numbers might have made it more real, and helped us to respond from a place of love, rather than fear...

I am so much more than a number,
yesterday I was a mother, father, husband, wife, partner,
daughter, son, sibling, friend,
why does that no longer matter..
and I am just a number in the end...

Yesterday I was a heart that loved, and was loved,
yesterday, I had a face and a story,
today I am just another casualty,
in a war I did not choose,
in a world caught up in numbers..

Would it be so hard to honor us,
to tell our stories, share our faces, record our names,
Would it make it too real, or just real enough
to stir hearts, to inspire some changes,
to transform darkness into light...

We are the same, you and I,
And we are so much more than just a number...

Penny Bowman

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Love's Reflections

Lonely hearts
stay strong,
love is always present,
you, dear one,
are never alone...
for I have sent the stars
to bring light 
in the darkness,
the sun  
to add warmth
to your day,
and the moon
to remind you
phases come and go, 

Do not be disheartened
by cloudy skies
they come and go,
focus on that which fosters faith,
and brings a smile,
for the sun and the moon and the stars
are love's reflections,
and with you every day...

Penny Bowman

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Dear Health Care Workers


                                                               Heartfelt Gratitude

With Our Heartfelt Gratitude

Thank you for everything you do,

things you think go unnoticed 

even though they weigh heavy

on your heart,

things you should be thanked for every day...

but too often you are not, 


 for being courageous,

 resilient, and strong,

thank you for continuing on

long after you would have liked,

thank you for caring deeply...

On behalf of so many,

may you feel even a small portion

of the love and appreciation

we hold for you,

far too big for words,

yet not nearly enough...

may it give you peace,

and lighten your heart, even a little,

love and light,

Penny Bowman et al

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Be the Light


Be the Light


When my mind would be discouraged

And thoughts transform to grey,

Her light is warm and compelling,

And I am drawn to stay,


Be more than that,

Be Sunshine,

She whispers in my ear,

Be the light within you,

Do not stray my dear,


For this is who you are,

This peace, this joy, this grace,

This is who you are,

No matter what you face,


For you are the mountain top,

The sun’s golden rays,

You’re the heart of compassion,

Forgiveness is your way,


Believe my dear, believe

You are more than the moment you’re in,

Be love she softly whispers,

Be the light that’s always within…

These are difficult times we are living in, and we are all being challenged to summon up the resilience, courage and faith it takes to carry on with hope. Time in meditation and nature helps me to connect with the beautiful voice within that helps me find my way through... I hope you are able to find ways to hear the gentle voice within you that brings  you peace and comfort. Much love and light,



Sunday, 9 May 2021

A Mother's Light

It has been another difficult year for everyone, and along with front line workers, I think it has been exceptionally stressful for mothers. As well as the daily stresses brought on by the pandemic, many mother's have had to juggle working at home while supervising their children's online learning, or have gone out to work worrying about what they might bring home, and scrambling to find someone to take care of their children. Still other mothers have had to become caregivers for their parents in addition to taking care of their own family. Expectant/new moms have had to go through a very special time in their lives without the full support of family and friends. Senior moms have been affected too, enduring long periods of isolation and loneliness when they have not been able to see their children. 

Undoubtedly, the role of mother was stretched to the limit this year, and mother's around the world stepped up and responded with admirable strength, courage, creativity, resilience, and love. It has been an inspiration for me to see mothers, young and old, do what moms do... carry on as best they can, with a smile on their face, a heavy burden in their hearts, and a fierce determination to be there for their families. 

It is my sincere hope that next year, Mother's Day will be a day we can get together safely, savoring how special it is to be with one another again, while celebrating the extraordinary beauty, wisdom, and strength that lies within a mother's heart. In the meantime, moms, be kind to yourself, and know you are appreciated and loved far beyond words, for it is your beautiful light, like stars in the night sky, that guide us through these dark times. 

A Mother's Light

Keep shining your light,

have faith you'll find a way

through any darkness

and be inspired by love's embrace, 

have faith, that within, 

strength and wisdom run deep,

be the pillar when you can,

and go easy on yourself

when you cannot,

know that your best

is far better than you think,

and feel proud,

know that you are the reason 

your children feel safe and loved,

their shelter in a storm,

and the bright star 

that guides them through the difficult times...

With admiration and gratitude, for all those who "mother"

penny bowman


Sunday, 25 April 2021

Spring into Hope


Hopeful Hearts 

It's a cool, rainy day, a full year into the pandemic, and like most people, I am frustrated and trying hard to stay hopeful in the midst of such overwhelming circumstances. I am thankful for the onset of spring, for even in a pandemic, or perhaps because of it, spring fosters a sense of hopefulness and the anticipation of better things to come. With longer, warmer days, and fresh buds that promise beautiful blossoms, she brings a smile to my heart and a host of reasons to feel grateful. 

 This year, spring has reminded me that hope is an essential part of our mental health, for it carries us away from our stressful thinking towards more positive, comforting thoughts. Some people see hope as a way of avoiding reality, or being a dreamer, but I see it as the opposite, to me, hope is a way of responding, a choice we can make about how we want to feel. We can complain about what is and build a momentum of negative energy, or we can develop a habit of focusing on what we do want and feel better in the process. Hope is like a bridge that can take us from the dark places in our minds towards happier perspectives, helping us not only combat despair, but build positive momentum and optimism.

 When we cultivate hope, it can become a way of thinking, a habit that both uplifts and empowers us. Hope happens when we allow ourselves to dream. It connects us with our desires, but even more importantly, it makes us feel good immediately. Try it for a moment, close your eyes and let yourself hope for something... visualize it happening, then take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to savor the feeling it brings. I'll bet it made you smile, perhaps even sigh... Hope is like a faithful friend who is always there, ready to comfort and uplift. The only catch is, you need to reach out.

So my friends, if you want to feel better in any moment try practicing hope... hope for better days when we'll be able to get together and embrace the people we love, hope for a miraculous end to the pandemic, hope for our nurses and doctors and front line workers to stay healthy and strong, hope for people to recover, hope for silver linings, hope for the strength and grace getting through this. Hope for whatever makes you smile and gives your heart a lift. The best part is, when you do practice hope, you can be a source of hope to others, a little beacon of light that brings someone a smile, some momentary comfort, or renewed faith. Hope is a beautiful act of self love as well as an inspiring gift for the people we share it with. Wishing you all the blessings a hopeful heart brings.

love and light,



our soul's gentle nudge

to keep dreaming,

a twinkle of light,

that uplifts our heart,

and brings a warm smile

and soft sigh,


lies within,

a gentle reminder

of who we are,

our beacon in the darkness

carrying us towards

 a better tomorrow...

Penny Bowman


Sunday, 14 February 2021

Sprinkle some Love


This pandemic has drastically changed all of our lives. The changes may be similar, but their impact is unique to each person. We are living in various waves of well being that fluctuate with the level of fear, isolation, and grief we are experiencing on any given day. We are all doing our best to cope and adapt to an unpredictable, unnatural situation that none of us were prepared for. Now more than ever, it is a time for us to extend kindness to ourselves and others. It is a time to draw on our inner strength, compassion, and faith. It is also a time to be easy on ourselves, and acknowledge with pride, the amazing courage, strength, resilience, perseverance and faith we have already summoned this past year. 

 Over the course of this pandemic I have been very fortunate to have been uplifted through the kindness and love of family, friends, and neighbors. Having that support has helped me realize how vital it is for us to be there for one another. We have all struggled at times, and we have all been there to help someone who is struggling. Every time we have reached out to talk to someone, listen to them, cheer them up, run an errand, or keep them company, is a time we have given someone a little boost, a little sprinkle of love... A sprinkle may seem like a minor thing, but each act of kindness helps someone feel less lonely, more hopeful, and brings a smile to their heart. Most likely, it has lifted our spirits too, for when we help others, we also get a boost.

So my friends, on this valentine's day, be good to yourself and instead of worrying about gifts, why not reach out and sprinkle a little love on your family, friends, and neighbors, whether its with a smile, an email, a phone call, or a little treat, it really doesn't matter, because the gift of love regardless of its shape, will always be the sweetest gift you can give...💖

with a sprinkle of love and light,

warmest regards,




Saturday, 30 January 2021

How to Survive, Maybe even Thrive (highly doubtful) With Just Your Own Company


                                    Tips to Survive Your Own Company (Part One)


            Are you living alone during this pandemic and feeling the stress of only having yourself to talk to, look at, blame, ask for help, or complain to? Take heart, these tips may or may not help.


  1.  Agree with everything you say, whether it's crazy or not, there will be lots of occasions after this when you will be challenged by others....enjoy the ego boost while you can get it!
  2. Sing as often as you can, even if you're off key and don't know the words, it will prepare/ toughen you up for future karaoke nights.
  3. After you shower in the morning play Pharrell William's song, Happy, and dance like no one is watching...but first be sure to avoid any mirrors that could discourage you from continuing.
  4. If you are tired of eating alone, invite an imaginary friend, and bonus...ask them to cook!
  5. If you have lots of questions and are worried because people say it's ok to talk to yourself as long as you don't answer yourself...again, don't worry, I checked a couple of times, and apparently I think it's fine.
  6. If you are tired of seeing the same face all the time, change it up ladies, let that facial hair grow, mustaches, beards... the guys do it, remember movember? You could be a trend setter!!
  7. If you can, find someone in your neighborhood you can go for walks with, but make sure you wear your mask, that mustache is probably coming along, you do not want to scare them off.
  8. If you are still really tired of talking to yourself, even though you now know it's ok to answer, watch a T.V. talk show, like Marilyn Denis, write down all the questions she asks a guest, then play it back, and here is the tricky part, be the host, ask the question before Marilyn does, and bingo! You now have a celebrity/expert answering your questions... and, you are ready to host your own show!
  9. If you are letting the housework slip, and having a hard time getting motivated, get this,... fire yourself! No one likes to be fired ( look at Trump and how hard he tried to stay on...) It could motivate you, or piss you off, either way, you have passed some time...
  10. If you are trying hard to stay optimistic, imagine all the things you are going to do when this is over, visualize sipping wine with others, cocktail parties, champagne breakfasts, etc., and if visualizing doesn't make you feel better, actually drink the wine, and the cocktails, and the champagne!

Full Disclosure:
I actually do a few of the tips above and they seem to be helping, ok, I do most of them, alright, I do all but one...the point is, I hope in some small way this helps those of you who live alone or those of you who are so tired of the person you are living with you are pretending that you live alone. Either way, sending you smiles and warm fuzzies.

On a more serious note, I really do hope you are finding things that bring some joy and a smile to your lips...my ulterior motive in all this. Take good care, wear that mask, and trim that mustache! 
love and light,

Penny Bowman