Wednesday 7 August 2013

This too shall pass...

This Too Shall Pass  

Time with the River

It is a very wet day today. As I write, rain is pouring down, relentlessly assaulting everything in its path. The sky and water are like one, an endless cold, steel grey. This is a day when people's spirits are often down...but not the river's, she remains an optimist and my time with her was well spent once again. This is what she shared with me today.  

My appearance is often deceiving,
though I am grey today,
 and foreboding at times
do not be fooled,
for this belongs to the storm
not my spirit,
I remain at peace
 I watch and listen
as thunderstorms brew over me,
and rain beats down, 
I do not resist
for this I cannot change, 
 so I move along,
 allowing the sky to do the same,
and though I may echo her distress
I remain true to that which I know,
this too shall pass
and soon the sun and moon
will caress me with their light once again...

the river

 As always, when I take the time, the river speaks to my spirit ( often waking her from her slumber). I am reminded that when my sunshine turns grey, and turmoil surrounds me, it is not who I am, it is only temporary, and I need only go within for the peace and beauty that is always there....thank you river!   P

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