Thursday 29 August 2013

Time with the River 
You are the One

Today I decided to take time to listen  my own spirit. I went down to the river, lulled by her stillness and the quiet that seemed to envelope me, as well as everything around me. I had a blissful meditation, remembering to just allow myself to focus on my breath to begin, then what I was feeling. The message was clear today.

You are the one
who brings peace,
it is always there
when you take the time
to go within
and enjoy the bliss
that love brings,
do not be afraid to dive deeply
into the depth of your love
 for you will discover an infinite pool
that will cleanse and heal 
any part of you
that is suffering,
such simple remedies await
if you take time,
You are the One

Although I have been meditating and listening to my spirit for quite awhile, it never ceases to amaze me when I connect and become inspired. It is like viewing the same beautiful scene over and over again and still being surprised and overwhelmed each time. Love is like that I suppose.
 It wasn't always so easy. I began my spiritual journey with my physical healing journey, slowly learning how to still my very active mind and body. As I peeled away layers and released mistaken beliefs and emotional pain, it made room for the light and love to enter and work it's magic. I share this so you know you can do the same, if you take the time....You are the One.... 

Penny Bowman

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