Monday, 21 December 2015

It's All About the Connection

Heart to Heart

It's that time of year when everyone is shopping for Christmas gifts. We spend weeks going in and out of stores choosing that special something, then hours tangled up in wrapping paper and bows. Ironically, we spend more time getting the presents than we do thinking about the recipient and being present with them.

We do this despite the fact that the gifts we tend to treasure are the simple ones that touch our hearts and connect us. For example, one of  my favourite presents is a painting my "adopted" grandsons created using a little paint and a lot of imagination. Every time I look at that masterpiece, it makes me smile, and reminds me of them. Another of my sentimental favourites, is a cutting board my daughter gave several family members last Christmas that she had one of  her grandmother's hand written recipes copied onto. That very thoughtful yet simple gift brought tears to everyone's eyes and is a beautiful daily reminder of someone we loved very much.

Unfortunately, in the chaos of Christmas we often do not take the time to think about what might have special meaning for someone. To me it seems it's never actually the gift that brings the joy, its the emotional connection associated with it.  Another special gift I received last year was a beautiful bird feeder from my other daughter, bought, because she knows the huge pleasure I get  from watching and photographing birds.

Some of the best gifts, you cannot even buy, like the gift of our time. If you really want to connect with someone, helping them out is a heart felt way of letting them know we care about them and want to support them. Give someone who needs a break from their kids a coupon for babysitting, take a senior shopping, bake for someone who cannot, or visit friends you know are lonely or isolated. My favourite gifts to give are the ones that I have taken the time to make myself, simple gifts that have a little piece of me in them, like photo cards, framed poetry, or baking. They are gifts that feed my spirit as well.

So if you still have presents you are pondering over, try considering what you want your gift to bring to someone, not what gift you want to bring. Take a moment to think about what might touch their hearts, and  if you want to get fancy, you could even wrap them up with  phone call, a hug, or a visit. Consider that the most endearing gifts are those that build a bridge from one heart to another. The wonderful thing about doing that is, you'll receive as much joy as you give!
Happy Giving my friends!

It's not the fancy ribbon,
or the bows,
or the gift inside
that makes my heart sing
it's the love
you wrapped it in ...


Tuesday, 10 November 2015

One Voice... Remembering our Heros

For those who fought for us, who died for us,
and for those who bravely carry on.

One Small Voice for Many

You did not even know me
and we shall never meet,
yet you bravely fought for me
ensuring my freedom,

I 'll never know your story,
I can only glimpse into your heart,
a heart that endured the unthinkable,
as you courageously played your part,

You did not even know me,
and I'm but one small voice
living a better life today,
because of your sacrifice
 and heroic choice,

With a grateful heart,
  one small voice
 in an infinite,
 worldwide chorus, 


love and light,

Penny Bowman

Thursday, 5 November 2015

November Reflections - Picnic in the Park


It is November, a time we often dread since it is confirmation that summer is over, fall is winding down, and we are soon entering that other season! Although November can be dreary, in it's defense, ( I am such a sucker for unpopular months) I think it does serve a valuable purpose. It provokes inward reflection, prompts us to slow down, appreciate what we have, and prepare for what comes next.

This November has started off on a friendly note, greeting us with unusually warm temperatures. This rare gift has, in return, inspired many of us to enjoy the great out doors before we are burdened by extra layers of clothing, our unwelcome companions until spring.

Taking advantage of November's kindness, I went for a walk around Ramsey Lake in Sudbury in search of photo opportunities, my trusty sidekick hanging around my neck. Ramsey Lake is a beautiful oasis in the heart of Sudbury with a meandering lock stone walkway that borders the beautiful shoreline, a shoreline dotted with beaches, beautiful old trees, picnic tables, benches, and gazebos.
 I was in high spirits enjoying the unseasonable temperatures when I found myself drawn to stop and admire a rather sentimental spot of mine, one, that on this occasion, gently transported me back in time, a time when I was there having a picnic with my mom on one of her rare visits up north. It was a gorgeous summer day, one with a blue sky dotted with puffy white clouds, perfect temperatures, and a lovely breeze.

  For a moment, I could see my mom sitting in the lawn chair we had brought, donning her shorts, socks, running shoes, and sun visor, while we both relaxed, pleasantly entertained by the billowing sails that played in the afternoon wind. As the memories came back, I began to cry and felt one of those heart wrenching longings to be able to spend time with her once again. It took me a few moments to regain my composure and the realization that I already was spending time with her, no, not in the way I really wanted, but for those brief moments, my mom was there with me, relaxed, smiling, and letting me know I was loved. I had a wee chat with her ( in my head...people are already suspicious...) thanked her for that afternoon, all that I had learned from her, and all that I aspire to be because of her. I allowed myself to feel the sadness, let it go, and embrace the love that remained.

Not sure if I can give November all the credit for what happened, but I am grateful to have slowed down and had the opportunity to enjoy such a special memory and connect with my mom. What I am sure of is that it did help me appreciate what I have, and even more importantly, the source of so much of it.

bring a smile,
sometimes a tear,
but always
heartfelt gratitude
for our blessings...


Saturday, 8 August 2015

Feeding the Soul...

Georgian Bay Paddle

One of the outings I treasure the most in my life is my annual summer kayak in Georgian Bay. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to as well as one of the most serene.(We always check the weather so we are going on a paddle friendly, serene provoking day, Georgian Bay can be very moody...)
 When we go, we access the bay from the boat launch at Chikanishing Creek, which is part of Killarney Provincial Park, and only a km or so away from the park office. Once we launch it is a short paddle before we get to the mouth of this gentle creek and enter the mighty Georgian Bay. Even though it can be intimidating to be in such a small craft in such a large body of water, I can always feel myself relax as I revel in the feel of the wind on my face and take in the expansive view of water (at times turquoise) that comes quickly into view.
As I fall into a rhythm with my paddle, I feel at home, surrounded by blue sky, endless water, and majestic rocky islands. As we paddle, the islands seem familiar, like pieces of inspired art painted in beautiful earth tones. I am particularly drawn to the rich, orange hues and the contrasting smooth and ragged textures that make up the unique islands that are scattered along the shoreline. It is paddle heaven, as we make our way through the canvas that seems to have come alive.
One of the reasons I enjoy the trip so much is because it wakes me up inside. Hungry for inspiration, my spirit comes alive in the natural wonders that surrounds us and it is energized with every stroke of the paddle. Visually it is stunning, but it is also very serene to be one with this magnificent body of water. Stopping for shore lunches only adds to the magic as we feel the smooth rock beneath our feet and get a new perspective of the miracle that surrounds us.
This annual trek is one of the many ways I feed my soul, perhaps my favourite. How do you feed yours? Is it through nature, photography, painting, or perhaps spending time with your children or grandchildren...If you are not sure, take the time to notice what makes you smile without apparent cause, or what makes you feel relaxed and at home in your own skin, when you are content to be where you are, and when you feel inspired to create....When we feed our soul, it becomes alive, and if we listen, it will speak to us. In return, our soul will nourish us and compels us to live more fully. Connecting with our soul helps us to appreciate the miracle of life and share our joy with others. Happy soul feeding!

Friday, 3 July 2015

Time with the River, The Peace Returns

Since the river has returned, I have had many opportunities to sit by her side and feel the peace she effortlessly inspires. I had forgotten just how often she is a source of joy and a spiritual catalyst. Like a bridge, she connects me to myself, but more importantly, to things greater than myself...
She is also a mirror, not only reflecting the many moods of sky and shore, but of my own heart and soul as well. Like a loyal and dear friend you feel safe to be yourself with, she has become a place where healing and growth are not only possible but probable...
If I am quiet, I can hear her share her wisdom.

The River Speaks

Come sit by my side
and be for a moment,
come enjoy the beauty
and the mystery 
that stirs your soul
and connects you 
to something deep within,
 something bigger than you...
We are mirrors for one another,
and bridges,
and confidantes
and anchors...
and like dear friends,
we can communicate
without words
 and be nourished
by the wonder of  it all....


Monday, 22 June 2015

Circle of Strength

Recently I have been thinking about some of my friends and the many other people who are faced with the challenge of healing from cancer. My thoughts are with them, as well as their families and friends, who create, what I believe, is as a circle of strength around them.
So often when we, or those around us are faced with a life threatening disease, we do not know what to say or do and it can be awkward and uncomfortable. We do not want to worry our family, they do not want to burden us... much gets left unsaid. However, when we open ourselves up and share, what emerges, can not only console us, but strengthen, heal, and unite us. Even a small opening allows light to enter... that light can be the beginning of some very meaningful conversations, some new awareness about ourselves and others, and in the process, a great deal of compassion and healing.

 Love is powerful, way more powerful than any disease, so I encourage everyone to feel and express that love in ways that are comfortable for you, whether it be conversations, kindnesses, prayer, or by just sending positive thoughts. Being reminded of how much we are thought about, loved, and needed is a remarkable gift that can help to heal us and restore our energy and drive.

I learned so much during my healing journey, especially once I opened up to what it had to teach me. One of the most important lessons I learned was we can heal ourselves and others ... ( another blog topic some day.)  Much of what I learned came to me once I let go of my skepticism and opened up to what I was receiving, ( we often ask for help, but do not tune in or recognize it when it arrives...)

So share my friends, be open to what you can learn, but most importantly, tell the people in your life that you love them, and shower them with kindness and healing thoughts. I guarantee that everyone will benefit, because that invisible thread that connects us all, lights up when we share our love and kindness with one another.

 Circle of Strength

You're not alone, we're all connected,
though it may not always seem that way,
when fear speaks louder than love,
and thoughts are turned to grey,

The truth, though often a whisper,
shines deep inside to light your way,
for you are loved and guided,
every minute of every day,

You are blessed with people who love you,
A circle of strength, hope and care,
when you open your heart to receive,
Earthly angels will always be there...


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Owed to the Poets

Owed to the Poets

tis the poet
who eloquently carries us,
who would travel on gossamer wing,
tis the poet who gently lulls us
with rhythms we would sing,

tis the poet who would shock us
so our minds might open more,
tis the poet who inspires us
 with delicate imagery and metaphor,

tis the poet who unites us,
who dares to be one face,
tis the poet who reveals our humanity
and gently awakens us with grace...

P bowman

Thursday, 7 May 2015

For those who "Mother"

Mother's day is here, and it got me thinking about all the people who epitomize what being a mother is all about, but are not "birth" mothers, and it helped me realize that being a mother is so much more than having given birth. Come to think about it, some of the most amazing moms and mother figures, such as teachers, aunts, sisters, caregivers, friends, etc., fall into a beautiful, diverse mosaic of inspired souls who have simply taken on the role. For me, to mother means to do our best to love, nurture, guide, protect, inspire, and empower another.

Mothering has many rewards, but they come as we make mistakes, triumph, grow as we go, and come to appreciate the poetic nature of the role. It is a journey filled with tenderness, tears, tough decisions and reciprocal teaching. It is about listening, having tremendous patience, and learning to be present for someone else. It is an emotional roller coaster ride that brings us great highs and lows as we experience our deepest joys, fears, hopes, and faith. When we are really fortunate, it can be about creating a powerful connection with another soul, loving, and being loved unconditionally. 

Mothering for some may begin with giving birth, but at its core it is about. loving and nurturing the light in another. For those of us who have lost our mothers, it can also be an opportunity to honor a legacy and pay forward some of the light we were blessed with, and miss so dearly.

So this Mother's Day, no matter the circumstance of your "mothering," you are to be commended. Thank you for  opening your heart, nurturing another soul, and sharing your love... I don't think there is anything more important you could be doing, for I don't know of anyone at any age who is not transformed by love.
So for all of you who "mother" another, Happy Mother's Day!

With love and gratitude for my own mother, and all those who have knowingly and unknowingly "mothered" me.

P Bowman 

Monday, 13 April 2015

I Am Here

I Am Here

I am here
In the tiny flickers of light
you feel but never see
that uplift your weary heart,
I am here...

I am here
In the quietest whispers
barely heard
that begin to awaken your soul
I am here...

I am here,
in the kind, kaleidoscope caress
that love brings
just when you might give up,
I am here...

I Am here,
even unnoticed,
I Am here...

Penny Bowman

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Just for today...

Just for today,
I will take a moment
to be still
and listen to my heart...

just for today,
I will be optimistic
and believe
that everything is possible...

just for today,
I will be loving,
forgive my mistakes
and embrace my imperfections...

just for today,
I will be free,
let go,
see the miracles,
and just be...


Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Awakening the Artist Within...

One of the reasons I am drawn to writing is because I love words and their infinite potential to inspire us. They also provide a rich eclectic base to dive into when we want to communicate, entertain, or inform, but my love for them lies not so much in their practical applications, but in their creative potential. Words are paint for a writer, we lovingly choose them, then carefully arrange them on our canvas to produce our masterpiece. Words can be powerful, but I see them more like a kaleidoscope, with a certain magical quality that leaves them open to diverse expression and personal interpretations.
For many of  the same reasons I like words, I also have a passion for photography. I love to immerse myself in beautiful images. With this medium we also have the opportunity to inspire ... to capture and create works of art that provoke not only an emotional response, but an invitation to interpret and appreciate beauty for it's own sake. 
Whatever the medium, creativity sparks the soul. Through the process of creating we are drawn to the miracle that resides within each of us. Kindred spirits, we seek the opportunity to express the best part of ourselves, our unique essence, that when nurtured, can be mirrored back to us in art...
I never felt creative growing up. I loved sports and being active outdoors. I felt I failed miserably in both art and creative writing in school. I have since come to learn there is an artist within me, in fact, I believe we are all artists. I think every one of us has a creative flair, that unfortunately, often goes unrecognised. It begins with something that touches us deeply and compels us to explore. Once that connection is ignited, it is difficult to extinguish. Whether it is expressed with our voices, our pen, a lens, wood, glass, paper, fabric or by appreciating and supporting the arts, creativity is a gift within each of us that serves us all. 
I believe when we connect with our creativity we are accessing a part of us that has a depth and beauty that brings light not only to ourselves, but to those we share it with. 
Cultivating the artist within is a journey worth taking, if you have not begun it yourself, perhaps it is time to ask... what stirs your soul ... what will wake up the artist in you??

like a flower reaching out
towards the early morning sun,

once we open our hearts
to that which inspires,
once we feel its soft embrace
awaken our soul,
 we light the fire within,
and we become
part of the miracle...

Penny Bowman

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Flickers of Light

Valentine's Day is around the corner, and for a moment the world will be focused on love, sweet, chocolaty love, love wrapped in floral paper and diamonds and words that are borrowed, ... love that is commercialised and doesn't always feel real...

To be fair, I think one of the most complex things in life is our relationship with love. We all need and want to be loved and often cling to romantic notions of the perfect loving family and partner that over time (and conditioning) we came to believe was not only possible, but an important part of "normal" healthy relationships. Deep down, even though we suspected that it was unrealistic, when it fails to materialise in our lives we can feel some degree of disappointment, failure, or resentment ... Oh boy ... so many issues, so little time...

I for one am bored with the pretence that love is some magical potion that transforms our lives into fairy tales. The love I see demonstrated, the love I have experienced, is much more grounded in mindful actions, generosity, effort, and at times, sacrifice. Love, whether it be romantic or otherwise, is more often a little messy and filled with both sweet and bitter moments ( in a way it is like chocolate.) 

In a spiritual sense, love may be who we are at our core, but, in a more realistic sense, love is also attached to strong emotions and individual beliefs which often causes it to appear lost in the midst of daily challenges and stress. It is like a gemstone that does not shine as brightly as it once did, a little tarnished with time and neglect.

Even though love does not live up to idealised stereotypes and may not shine brightly all the time, I find it uplifting that if you look carefully, you can still see the little flickers of love in almost every relationship. It is there in the phone calls made between friends and family, it is there in the generosity of grandparents who take care of their grandchildren, and in the hockey parent's crazy schedules. It is also the driving force behind family gatherings and in the thoughtful daily gestures made by our partners. Love shines every day in the hearts of friends and family who attend weddings, showers, birthday parties, recitals, etc.

Even though it can be complicated at times, one of the wonderful things about loving one another is that it doesn't take heroic efforts. As a matter of fact, it can be expressed best in simple daily routines, when we help one another, when we choose kind words, and when we take the time to listen to and understand each another. 

Although we do not always acknowledge these flickers of light for what they are, these daily acts of love are strongly rooted in our relationships and a testament to the little gem that, despite a little tarnish, shines faithfully within each of us, whether it is Valentine's Day or not...

With love and gratitude for all the love I have been blessed with in my life!!


love is the hidden gem
that brings light
to our life

it is simple kindness,
gentle words,
and quiet compassion,

is what we do
every day...


Saturday, 10 January 2015

New Year's Prayer

Happy New Year! I have had some trouble deciding what to write for my new blog of the year...this will be the third one I have crafted ... the others just did not feel right. Ironically, I had decided this year to try a more light hearted approach, keep it simple ... maybe throw in a few more puns, ( my name is Punny!) perhaps some unusual food recipes, ( like Chinese bird nest soup) or even some practical tips for winter survival ( stay inside!!)
Now that I think about it ... ( re-read the above) perhaps I should just continue on as I have in the past ... let my beautiful, quirky spirit guide me, that was simple enough ... So, here we the way, thanks for listening...

A New Year

may this year
bring you joy,
may you choose love
over fear,
may each day 
 bring awareness
of blessing so near,
may you laugh
may you cry,
may you hold your head high,
as you embrace your humanity
and the love deep inside...

P Bowman