Friday 10 May 2024

Happy Mother's Day to Those no longer with us


                                               For all the mom's who are no longer with us,

     For all the mom's 

     who are no longer with us,

     you will never be forgotten,

     for we carry you in our hearts

     and think of you every day

     in so many ways,

     when we hear your favorite song,

     or see lilacs in bloom,

     when a butterfly flits by,

     or we smell your favorite perfume,

     How could we forget you

     when so often you are the voice in our heads,

     and the source of our inspiration and strength,

     we miss you, and long for one more day,

     one more hug, one more smile,

     no, we will never forget you

     for your love is woven into the fabric of our hearts,

     and still brings us light every day...

     with gratitude,

      for your dedication, strength and love, 

            Penny Bowman

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Love is always Calling


                                                          Love is Always Calling

For a very long time I have been drawn to heart shapes, but until recently, I never really gave it much thought. I just knew that I could not pass by one without taking a look, which inevitably resulted in me either adding to my collection, or being slightly disappointed that I didn't. As a matter of fact, I spotted a heart shaped rock on the beach today and, yes, I brought it home with me. ( love it when they are free) I added it to a rather eclectic collection of hearts lovingly scattered around my home, all of which bring a little sigh and a smile when I look at them.

 Initially, I didn't think much of my preoccupation, but when I realized that the hearts bought me a real sense of peace, I began to understand their pull. They were a sweet reminder that love is who we are, and when we connect with that love, we always feel good. Like a magnet, it is always pulling us towards our likeness and since love is the one thing we all have in common, it's quite a natural way for us to connect. Like an invisible thread, love unites us and provides beautiful opportunities not only for connection, but for feelings of inspiration, joy and peace. A powerful force, love is literally and figuratively always calling out to us with reminders and opportunities for us to give, receive, and appreciate love.

So the next time love calls out to you, when you get that urge to pick up a heart shaped rock, call someone you love, lend a helping hand, hang out with friends and family, or you are feeling drawn to get out in nature, embrace the opportunity to enjoy more love in your life and answer the call! Love is waiting!

Happy Heart Day!

love and light,


Love's Call

I call out to you,

with the chickadees song

the lure of  peaceful waters,

with sweet melodies

that uplift your heart,

and make it sing,

I reach out to you, 

with kindnesses,

and friendly smiles,

so we might connect,

so you might remember,

who you really are ...

I call out 

not just because 

I love you,

but because I feel complete

and such utter joy

when you answer the call...

penny bowman

Saturday 9 December 2023

Love, Loss and Warm Fuzzies



My beautiful brother in law Michael passed away very suddenly last week, leaving us all in shock, and many of us regretting that we hadn't been in touch more frequently. His death leaves a terrible void in the lives of those who knew and loved him for he was one of those rare individuals who had the gift of being able to light up every room he walked into. With his warm heart and great sense of humor, Michael had a way of putting everyone at ease, so it was always fun to spend time with him. A devoted father, husband, friend, and family man, it seemed as if there were no limits to his generosity and caring. Just thinking about him makes me smile, but also incredibly sad that I will never see him again, or be blessed by one of his big bear hugs.

I doubt that Michael knew what an impact he had on people, especially those who loved him, unfortunately, this is probably true for most people, which makes me think that perhaps one of the gifts that Michael leaves behind is a reminder for us to tell our friends and family what we appreciate about them, and what makes them so special in our lives. I think if we did, a lot of people would be pleasantly surprised not only by the way they are perceived, but the little blessings they are sharing without even realizing it.

 I often wonder why we wait for people to pass on before we sing their praises. When I was teaching, one of my favorite activities with my students was to have them share "warm fuzzies" with one another. This was a simple exercise where they would write down the things they liked about each other on a warm fuzzy note. I wish I had sent Mike a warm fuzzy.

This Christmas, or in the coming New Year, in honor of all the Michaels in our lives, I encourage you to give the gift of a warm fuzzy to the special people in your life. You could place the notes in Christmas cards or stockings, or you could adopt a new habit of telling people why you love and appreciate them. I promise you, it's a gift everyone will love, and one you'll actually be thankful for if it's returned. 

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one this season, my sincere condolences. I hope that in between the waves of grief and loss and pain, waves of joy, peace, and love wash into your heart as well. 

with love and light,



You were such a joyful light

for us all,

every room you walked into lit up

with the enthusiasm and love 

you shared so easily,

I doubt you knew that,

and I doubt if you did 

it would have mattered,

for you seemed to care 

more about just living...

pursuing your passions,

helping others, 

sharing a laugh,

and taking care of those you loved,

Without knowing it

 you helped us all

 see the lighter side of life,

and one of your greatest legacies 

is not just the joy we felt

in your presence...

but the smile that will come,

and the joy that we'll feel

every time we remember you...

with gratitude and love, 


Thursday 6 April 2023

Resurrecting Hope



I have spent the last two and a half years on a healing journey that until recently seemed to be going in circles. I was losing hope that I would ever feel like myself again. Living alone, I thought too much solitude was part of the problem, but, in retrospect I think it served an important role and was a reminder to have faith in the journey, even when it doesn't seem to make sense. Just as spring encourages us to have hope, faith does as well, for it nurtures the belief that all shall be well, and that we will find our way if we continue with an open mind.

The turning point in my journey quite literally, came out of the blue, and with the help of some eagles. After spotting an eagle circling above me twice in the same week, I saw it as a sign, and meditated on the message it might be offering. During that meditation, I became an eagle, ( highly recommend it!) and was able to look down on my life with a new perspective and clarity. Things that confused me for so long, began to make sense, and I could see the connection between the choices I had made, their consequences, and the patterns that I had been repeating. I also understood that patience and faith can be choices, but even more importantly, beautiful acts of self love and compassion. I realized that although I like myself, I still have a lot of work to do, to really love myself. The journey, as they say, never ends... 

It is with love and compassion that I share this story so those of you who are also struggling won't give up or lose hope. Our difficult times can be very frustrating and painful, but I urge you to keep an open mind, and have faith in yourself and your journey. The contrast in our lives can serve as a powerful catalyst for spiritual growth, which, in my experience, always comes with a beautiful gift. Whether that gift is expanding our ability to let go, forgive, or have compassion, it enriches our lives, brings us more joy, and deepens our ability to love. So, dear friends, if you are in the midst of a growth spurt, be patient and kind with yourself, stay open to what it can teach you, and believe that you will not only get through it, but reap some wonderful rewards. It seems that faith, like spring, doesn't always come when you want it but it does have the power to resurrect hope and give birth to beautiful opportunities.

Even though spring isn't here yet, may thoughts of spring ignite the beautiful light of hope within you, and should you doubt yourself, remember, there are lots of people in your life who believe in you. I do! 

from my heart to yours,

love and light,




we think we are the darkness,

the thoughts that drag us down, 

the hurts, the disappointments,

the loneliness...

but we are not..


We are the whispers from within,

that summon courage and strength,

we are the sun

that pushes through

on cloudy days,

we are the weathered faith 

that anchors us,

we are hope,

resurrected time and time again,

 we are not the darkness,

We, are the light,


Tuesday 14 February 2023

You Are Loved

You Are Loved

About Love

You can love someone fiercely

and they don't know it,

and you can think you're loved fiercely,

and you're not...

 you can also find happily ever after love...

 romantic love is 

something like a kaleidoscope,

beautiful, but always changing,

filtered through our minds'

triumphs and tragedies,

and often misunderstood,

but eternal love is unfiltered,

It is the pure joy, peace, and light

that lies within

our beautiful essence

that always loves us unconditionally 

even when we don't know it,

and even when we think we don't deserve it,

In case no one told you today,

you are beautiful,

and you are loved,

 just the way you are...

from my heart to yours,

love and light,

Penny B

Friday 10 February 2023

Chasing Miracles



The blues chased me again today,

and I was tired, so instead of running

I paused, closed my eyes

and took a deep breath,

and together, my heart and I

turned to face them,

and for awhile we listened,

their story was sad,

but it was just a story,

a story that was familiar, 

one made up to protect us,

but one that would only

keep us in the shadows

because it wasn't a true story,

  it wasn't who we were,

  or who we wanted to be,

So we thanked the blues

and turned to face the sun,

we inhaled deeply, closed our eyes,

and basked in her warmth...

and it was in that moment, 

we finally understood

we had a choice

we could chase away the blues, 

or choose the miracle,

and since the sun felt so much better,

with a sigh of relief, and some determination,

we turned our backs on the blues,

and feeling blessed, we gave thanks for the sun,

and the moon, and the stars,

and all the little miracles

we knew would be waiting for us that day...

Here's to choosing miracles instead of chasing the blues. 

Sending love and light, and good vibrations,

Penny Bowman

Friday 23 December 2022

Remembering.... The Best Gifts We Can Share


Giving gifts at Christmas is a lovely tradition that brings a lot of joy on one day, but as I was wrapping my gifts the other night, I remembered something I wrote last year, "the best gifts are the ones we share every day, often without even knowing it," and I wondered if Mac knew...

Mac was a former neighbor of mine who recently passed away. On hearing the news, the first thing I felt was a sense of relief, thinking he would finally be at peace. Mac suffered from dementia and hearing loss, which created many challenges for him and his wife. After the initial feeling of relief, I felt sad for his wonderful wife Rose, who was a devoted caregiver and undeniable blessing in his life. Selfishly, I also felt sad because I knew I would never receive one of his big bear hugs again or feel the sense of peace I often felt when I was with him.

Mac was one of those people who had a way of making my heart feel lighter. From the moment I met him I felt a kinship, perhaps because he reminded me of my father in law, who I adored, or perhaps because he was just a very kind, intuitive man who had a gentle way about him that put me at ease. I felt seen when I was with him.

Mac was also a passionate man who openly expressed his love and admiration and for his wife Rose. She was, especially in the last few years, the wind beneath his wings, and he told me on many occasions how fortunate he felt to have her. Mac was also passionate about his beloved dogs and his vacations in Portugal, and no matter how many times he shared stories about them, it was a treat, for his enthusiasm was contagious. Being with Mac was like being showered in good energy.

Unfortunately, Mac, like so many others, has passed during a time when it is difficult to get together to pay our respects. I share this remembrance of him to express my gratitude for the blessing both he and his wife were in my life, something they most likely never realized, for they were words unspoken.

These little gifts that Mac, and all of us share everyday with friends and family and neighbors, really are the best gifts we could ever give, especially at Christmas when so many people are stressed by the season or struggling with difficult emotions. These little gifts cost nothing, but really can bring comfort and joy to hearts in need. So reach out to someone today and share your beautiful light, I guarantee it will make a difference in their day.

Finally, dear, sweet, Mac, I hope you know that even though you were not a big part of my life, when you were in it you made a big difference... just by being you. Thank you for seeing me, thank you for your kindness, gentle nature, and open heart, I felt uplifted every time we met, even when it was just in passing. My heart is so grateful for having known you, thankyou for sharing your beautiful light and reminding me how much that can mean to those we share it with. 

love and light back at you,



Monday 14 November 2022

Inspired by Spirit: Forgive Me Forgive Me Not...

Inspired by Spirit: Forgive Me Forgive Me Not...: I have forgiven myself  for not dreaming fully, for letting fear decide, for not believing in me, for diminishing my faith in what is possib...

Saturday 5 November 2022

Inspired by Spirit: One Voice... Remembering our Heros

Inspired by Spirit: One Voice... Remembering our Heros: For those who fought for us, who died for us, and for those who bravely carry on. One Small Voice for Many You did not even k...

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Forgive Me Forgive Me Not...

I have forgiven myself 

for not dreaming fully,

for letting fear decide,

for not believing in me,

for diminishing my faith

in what is possible...

I have forgiven myself

for not embracing my imperfections,

for not accepting who I am,

for caring more about what others think,

and slowly giving myself away,

but no longer,

 I  see now

there is really nothing to forgive, 

for we did not come here to judge ourselves or others,

we came here to create,

to connect with spirit,

to love, to laugh,

to dream things into being...

Rather than forgive ourselves, which implies we have done something wrong, it seems to me it would be far easier and more productive to seek acceptance and move forward instead of looking back. We need to learn to embrace what we call mistakes and imperfections, grow from them, and allow ourselves to connect with our beautiful souls. That is what we came here to do, align with spirit, be joyful creators, and love...

 There is nothing to forgive.

Be kind to yourselves,

love and light,


Friday 7 October 2022

Gifts of Time

Gifts of Time

This year, I feel so grateful for the gift of time,

for I have been softened by her grace,

strengthened by her shadows,

and enriched by an appreciation

only she can bring,

thankful that my weathered heart

is now drawn to the little miracles 

 and has come to understand

 that the journey is one of love, 

grateful that I am awakened to the beauty and richness

that we, like perfectly ripened fruit upon the vine

time does bestow...

with a weathered, growing, and grateful heart,

Happy Thanks Giving!

Penny Bowman

Sunday 7 August 2022

The Wonder of You... A tribute to children with Cancer


This August I am riding in the Sick Kid's Hospital Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer, and I must say it has become a source of inspiration and hope for me. As a part of the fundraising efforts I have had the privilege of reading the stories of many of the children we are riding for. Going through cancer as a adult is difficult, but to face that challenge as a child is way beyond anything someone young should have to experience, and yet, their stories reflect amazing courage, resilience and strength that far exceeds their years. 

I am humbled to be able to ride in support of these children and inspired by the grace, dignity and strength they demonstrate. It is my hope that some day we will not need to ride any more, but in the meantime, I pray that every child will be well again, and that the light they shine so beautifully in spite of their challenges gives the rest of us a reason to to be inspired, stronger, kinder and more loving.

Many, many thanks to those of you who have sponsored the challenge, you are an essential part of keeping those little lights shining. If you have not already donated and would like to please use the link at the bottom of the page. 

The Wonder of You

Like a delicate flower

blown about in the wind

you are stronger,

far more resilient,

and much more beautiful

than you realize,

but we,

we who have watched you grow,

we who love you... we know,

and every day, we give thanks,

and are inspired

by the sheer wonder of you!

light and love,

penny bowman