Thursday, 11 December 2014

The Christmas Spirit

One of the things I absolutely love about Christmas is how it brings people together. Christmas calls our children home, brings friends and families together, and inspires us to open our hearts to those in need. It cheerfully beckons us to bundle up, hold our children's hands, and line the streets with our neighbors to watch the Santa Claus parade. Christmas draws us back to church to celebrate our faith, and has us gather together as co-workers, friends and strangers to celebrate the season and put the jolly in Christmas. All around the world Christmas connects people in a joyful, spiritual way! It seems as if our souls wake up during the festive season and we are drawn into the Christmas spirit, a spirit that reminds us that the most precious gift we can give, is being "present" for one another.

When I was younger, I worried more about what I would get everyone, for Christmas, than appreciate the time I would share with them. Older, (it has it's gifts) I am now very mindful of how precious it is to be with the people I love. I suppose it shouldn't be all that surprising, since the heart of spirituality is connection. Interesting to note however, that even though we often feel a spiritual connection to nature, we seldom experience that same connection with one another We have forgotten that we are all part of the same beautiful miracle, that love is our true essence and the common thread that weaves through each of our hearts. 
For this reason, alone, it seems to me that Christmas is a gift in itself, for it becomes our opportunity to not only connect with one another, but to something much bigger than ourselves.

So this Christmas I hope you are able to enjoy spending time with the people you love, in whatever way you can, whether you meet in person, talk on the phone, or have a video chat, and I hope that when you do, you see the light in one another.
because then you might see that we are the Christmas spirit...our kindness, our joy, our compassion is spirit recognizing spirit and answering with love... 

Merry Christmas everyone!!

The spirit of Christmas
lies within each of our hearts
and comes alive
when we see our humanity in one other
and become a little kinder,
a little more tolerant,
more joyful and loving,
a little more of who we really are..


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

The other side of soggy...

It is another rainy day today and so I find myself at the computer pondering what to write about, "wet" to write about... ironic, I can't seem to find even a drop of inspiration! The only thing hitting me right now is the thought that I have never seen it rain so hard for such a prolonged period of time! It is so wet our driveway is now the pool we have always wanted, and the birds are carrying umbrellas! I am not exaggerating, I figured you would be skeptical, so I've included a picture.

Stay with me though and I shall see if inspiration can be called upon, you know like a spirit from the dead. Hold on, I am calling forth my creativity, wait, wait... I am sensing something trying to get through, yes, it is a bit blurry, but, wow, I am seeing someone who looks a lot like Ellen Degeneres dressed up like a sailor! She is on a beautiful yacht beckoning me to come on board. She is handing out little Ellen life jackets and tiny Ellen rain coats. She is telling me it is her show boat and that there are no rain cheques if I don't go now, what to do, what to do. I am usually shy around celebrities, but really, could I live with myself if I turned down a tiny rain coat?

I have decided to go on board, Ellen is so happy she signals her DJ, ( a giant duck ) to play raindrops keep falling on my head. Ellen dances down the ramp, gives me a hug, and tells me not to worry. "Did you really think you had lost your creativity?" she laughs, "it's definitely alive and well, cause I sure as heck, am not here!!"

A sinking feeling in my gut tells me she is right, and even though I will probably never get another opportunity to get a tiny rain coat, I will not let my spirits be dampened, back to my muddy pool of thoughts...

Rainy days
give us the opportunity 
find the sunshine within,
I would still love this "reign" to end!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Journey

When I started my spiritual journey I had a destination in mind. I wanted to become a more mindful, compassionate, loving person. I wanted to stop judging myself and others, be able to listen to my own inner wisdom and share that wisdom with others. I realize now, the journey never ends. I have learned a great deal and have acquired many skills to help me continue, but I see now how naive I was to think that in some way it had an ending. 
Our spiritual journey is like a parallel journey within this amazing experience we call life. It is a mindful, deliberate decision to become more connected to our own spirit, more of who we already are. Ironically, it is a journey that requires us to stop in order to be on it. For it is when we pause and listen to ourselves and others, when we stop to hear what it is our mind, body, and spirit are trying to share with us, that we are in fact moving forward. In a world where we are all in such a hurry, often so busy and stressed, I hope it is comforting to know that our greatest achievement will most likely happen when we are still.  

when we stop
when we listen with our hearts,
when we see
through the eyes of our soul...
we are home,
and for a moment,
we become the light and love
  we seek...


Sunday, 24 August 2014

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye, building bridges...

It is the last week of August and it is a sad thought that we will have to say goodbye to summer. ( Was she really here?) I will particularly miss paddling, I love settling into a rhythm with the wind and sun on my face, sitting on top of the water, feeling a oneness with the River. I will even miss braving the cold water to go swimming, ( kinda) and of course, I will miss the decadent bbq's, pontoon boat tours with family and friends, and travelling around this beautiful province we live in.
Thinking about saying goodbye to summer has prompted thoughts about saying goodbye in general. It occurred to me that our lives are made up of a series of goodbyes...goodbye to the home we grew up in, goodbye to friends, to our home town, to our children when they move out, and most difficult, goodbye to those we love who are no longer with us.
 As we move through life there are hundreds of doors we go through that force us to say farewell to people, places, and things. Some of the goodbye's are heart wrenching, others a relief, each one bringing it's own unique blend of feelings. When I think about all the goodbyes I have made, it is a little overwhelming, but also reassuring...each one paved the way for a new beginning, and each one helped me to grow a little stronger, more compassionate, and self aware.
 Writing about this has also made me realize that at the time of our goodbyes we are often too overwhelmed with emotion to fully appreciate the significance of the moment. Often it is with teary eyes we hug, clinging to whom ever and what ever we are saying goodbye. There is a sadness that pervades the is as if our hearts are understanding the loss more quickly than our heads. It is often not until we take the time to reflect later that we can process what we really left behind. It is also when we have time to go through the stages of grieving, and see more clearly not only what we lost, but what has been gained.
Although saying goodbye is very difficult, letting go always seems to be cathartic. It is when we let go that we create a space inside for new light, love, and growth to enter. With each season's passing, Mother Nature reminds us that saying goodbye is a natural part of our lives and that whether we embrace it or not, change is inevitable. It is up to us what we do with it...hopefully we allow ourselves to grieve, process, and move forward with faith.
 Ironically, it seems to me that goodbye is more like a hello in many ways, for it is a moment when we meet those rather poignant feelings that, like a bridge, connect our hearts and souls to the special people and places we are leaving. So savour those goodbyes, they are some of the most precious moments in our lives!

so often is really hello
a moment
when we connect fully,
our hearts and souls
speak to us,
building beautiful bridges,
so the love 
travels with us...

penny bowman

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

When the Sun Says Goodnight

Time with the River
When the Sun says Goodnight...

Summer seemed like it would never arrive, and now we are somehow in it's midst, enjoying it's fleeting blessings. For me this means ample opportunities to once again spend time with the river, and benefit from the wisdom she so patiently shares.

Unfortunately, the weather has been stubbornly unpredictable, often changing dramatically in the course of the day, forcing us to be flexible and open to her whim. The river, a pawn in her hand, has also been chaotic, and a very chilly playmate. She remains a faithful friend though, listening patiently and inspiring me to take time for mindful reflection.

On my last visit ( I might have been complaining) she was quick to remind me that letting go of that which we have no control offers a freedom and light heartedness that is far more enjoyable than hanging on to rigid notions. Like the river, we need to go with the flow, find the peace within, and celebrate our essence. Although it is easy to get caught up negative thinking, the river reminds us it is much better to roll with the waves and enjoy the journey.

At the end of a rather cold, blustery day, we took a sunset cruise on the pontoon boat and it seemed to me that the river was doing just that, for she was glowing as she basked in the sun's warm kiss as she bade us goodnight...

there is no control
only freedom to let go,
wave upon wave
we need only yield
to the rhythm
and bask in the light 
when the sun says goodnight...

p bowman

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Finding Joy

Heart Connections

Finding Joy

I am reading a wonderful book right now by Jennifer Louden that is really helping me to apply many of the spiritual lessons I have learned over the years. To know something intellectually is one thing, but to incorporate it into your life is often a huge challenge. That takes time and commitment, as well as tools that work for you.
 In Life Organizer, Jennifer has shared some simple strategies to help us focus our minds and open our hearts. It is definitely helping me. I am taking the time (some days more than others) to hear what my heart has to say, and doing my best to honour that wisdom. The result is, I feel more joy and less stress. I am also gaining new insights, peeling away more layers and going deeper within.
 If you want to have a closer connection with your heart, an easy way to start is to think of your heart as an old friend you have been ignoring, and begin paying attention to it. Most of us spend far more time in our heads than our hearts. Simply taking a little time each day to breathe into your heart, pause, and feel the energy that is there, is a great beginning. I personally know that I have connected with my heart when I break out with a big smile and feel myself relax. Once you make this connection, (for each of us it will be unique) you will want to keep going back for more, and as you do, you will build a relationship with yourself that will change your life from the inside out!
Like any relationship it requires time and some give and take. Ask a lot of questions, and listen, really listen. The questions are the gateway to hearing the wisdom your heart has to offer. Think of your heart as an amazing guide that can help you understand what it is that makes you feel joyful and what you can do to be there more often.
It really is quite easy, just ask your heart simple questions, like, what experience do you yearn for today, or what does my body need to feel loved and cared for? When you are ready, the questions can go deeper, for example you can ask,  if I did not feel vulnerable what would I like to do, what emotions am I holding back, etc. Try to make sure after you have received some feedback that you follow through with any actions needed to honour that wisdom. It is a good idea to keep a journal with the answers and insights you receive. I find it really rewarding to look back in my journals and see the progress I've have made, or be reminded of something I had forgot.  
One of the things I learned through this process is that I often avoid feeling vulnerable. I seldom take risks and as a consequence I think I have missed out on some experiences that could have brought great joy and growth. I now encourage  myself to do things, (especially if I have avoided them in the past) because they make me feel uncomfortable ( sharing my writing and personal thoughts)
 I  have also learned (on a feeling level) the difference between joy and happiness. Both are an important part of our lives, but it is empowering to understand and embrace the difference. For me, joy comes from within, and is always there, like a peaceful river... happiness is fleeting, and comes from an external experiences. The good news is, to find joy we need only build a relationship with our hearts and souls and enjoy the love that is always there.
So my friends, thanks again for listening, supporting one of my passions, and helping me to feel less vulnerable. If this sparks something within you, I hope you will go after the love, wisdom, and joy your heart is waiting to share with you. 

From the Heart 

I am here for you,
in the quiet moments,
in the hustle and confusion...
I am a breath away,
come join me
in the vast oasis 
of love and pure joy
that is you home...


Thursday, 8 May 2014

For all the Mothers

Mother's Day is here and as the years go by, like so many others, I find myself appreciating my mother more and more. Every mother is unique in their own way, but the thread of motherhood is sown with humility, strength, grace and unconditional love.
My mother is no longer alive, but her legacy will forever enrich the lives she touched so deeply. I am honored to pay tribute to her and all the mothers who have, like artists, with their love and patience, and vision, helped to sculpt us from tiny infants into the people we are today. Like true artists, mothers seldom recognize their talents or the impact they have had. So for all the moms who underestimate their value, this is for you!

This is for the moms who:
 primarily see their imperfections and not their worth,
 put their children's needs first every day,
 smile even though they are tired, or in pain, or feeling down,
 listen with an open heart, and do not judge,
 go to bed exhausted because they have stayed up late doing something for their family,
 make the time to take their kids to hockey, ballet, soccer, skiing, and swimming etc.,
 patiently help their kids with their homework night after night,
 go to work every day and then come home and take care of their family
 make birthdays, graduations and Christmas into memories that will always be treasured,
 see the light in you, even when you cannot,
 make you feel capable and strong, especially when you think you have failed,
 tell you that you can do anything you set your mind to,
 do not realize it is ok that they are not perfect,
 make you feel loved and safe because you know there will always be someone who'll love you   unconditionally...
 long after they have passed, fill our hearts with love and strength and beautiful memories.

To all the moms, thank you for loving us into being...  Even though it may not always seem like it, the job you do every day has tremendous worth which can never really be measured, for each day, you are a role model for love in action. As a mom I understand the the impulse to criticize ourselves, we know how important our role is, which makes us painfully aware of our downfalls and mistakes. So thank you too, for helping us understand that it is our imperfections that often contribute to our unique and (hopefully) lovable nature. Thank you for teaching us that we are here to learn and are empowered and enriched not only by our successes, but by the gifts of our mistakes and imperfections.


It is not without
great pride,
 bittersweet tears,
 and heart smiles
that I remember you,
 With each passing year
I feel I love you better,
your resilience and strength
and unconditional love
are an integral part of me
as are your gifts of imperfection,
 gifts that I have come to lovingly embrace
as part of the wonderful legacy you left behind...
wish we had more time,
wish you had known,
loving thanks,


Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Things I Love

I recently read that it is very uplifting to make a list of all the things you love. The following is mine, although I must admit, there were far too many to be able to include them uplifting observation in itself!

I love it when my daughters laugh,
 and when they hug each other,
I love remembering special times,
especially those spent with my mother,

I love family gatherings
 with bunny ears and lace,
 I love the smell of a wood fire, 
 the gifts that come with grace,

I love the wisdom of seniors, 
the innocence of a child,
I love butterflies and hummingbirds
the loons cry in the wild,

I love morning tea with honey,
time spent with good friends,
I love holding hands with my darling
as the day comes to an end,

I love the peacefulness of water,
majestic mountain peaks,
 I love daisies and lupins,
and when my spirit speaks,

I love the softness of words
when they light up my heart,
I love aboriginal paintings
the essence of art,

I love mindful moments,
paddle pics, stars above,
 I love knowing we're all connected
through our compassion and our love...


Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Take that Winter!

As I write this blog on the 24th of March with temperatures and wind chills still a cold heartless force to be reckoned with, it most certainly seems like winter has defeated us and taken a toll our spirits. Unwelcomed, it has persisted and very rudely extended it's stay. (Shame on you winter!) It has slowly, painfully, dulled our enthusiasm and energy with it's relentless snow storms, grey days, and temperatures that would scare even Frosty! The lightness of foot we enjoy in the spring and summer has been weighed down by heavy winter boots, bulky coats and long underwear, and I for one am not taking it any more!!!
I refuse to be taken hostage by winter one more day. I am going to focus my attention on finding a way to thrive without down feathers,wool socks and ear muffs. I am going to rekindle the light heartedness and joy the other (nicer) seasons inspire.
I am going to dig out my summer shorts, sandals and sunhat, stoke up the fire, (a girl has to survive!) and wear them around the house! Ok, maybe I will just look at them and get them ready for the glorious day I can wear them without fear of frostbite. Take that, winter weather in spring!!
No, I will no longer be hostage to the weather. I will create my own forecast every day, warm, sunny heart, with zero chance of spirits being dampened. I will visualize hot sunny days, paddling, swimming, hiking and lazing in the sun. I will not look at the weather forecast or listen to other people grumbling and getting angry at the weather (sorry grumbling friends) I will focus on the the good things in my life, count my blessings and as soon as I can, book a flight to Florida and get the heck out of here!!

Dear Cold Hearted Winter

You cannot take me hostage,
not any longer,
cold  hearted winter,
I will survive
no, I shall thrive,
I shall rise above...
I will watch I Love Lucy videos
I will dance in my pj's
I will drink wine,
sing while I cook
and write silly blogs,
no, you will not defeat me
I will thrive!
( but could you please stop with the freaking cold weather now!!!)



PS   I only said please because I know Winter knows where I live!

Friday, 14 February 2014

About Love

Some people think love is a feeling. Others believe it is an action. I have come to realise it is both, and so much more. Love, I believe, is the essence of who we all are. It is the indescribable energy within us that brings us both joy and peace. It is the hand of kindness, compassion, acceptance and tolerance. It is the source of our creativity, the light within us that is there wherever we go and whatever we do.
The first time I ever fully connected with this part of me, it began a transformation that continues today. I felt I was finally home, and this energy inside that loved unconditionally, helped me to learn to love myself that way. It ignited a strength that comes from knowing who you are is truly beautiful.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not always able to be this love, I have my imperfections and struggles. But I also have the inspiration to be better, to love more, because I know it is who I am...who we all are. 
The cliche, life is a journey, is in fact, for me, an inspiration. My journey is to grow in love. To consciously connect with this part of me, to listen and ask questions of my heart, to honour it's wisdom, and allow it to flow through me via my creative expression, personal growth and connection with others. 
We all need to be loved, to feel we are seen and heard. I believe it starts with seeing ourselves, then we can begin to let who we are, the love within us, blossom.
One of the reasons I write is that it is one of the most powerful ways I connect with the love inside of myself. I have learned that listening to my heart, recognising what my passions are, and owning my unique talents, is one of the greatest gifts I can give myself.
So, on this day that people speak of love and express their love for one another, I urge you to love yourself! I urge you to take some time to visit your heart, tell it that you love it and you are listening. Then ask, how can I love myself today?What wisdom would you like to share.You may be surprised what you get...
 To my partner, friends and family who listen to me, and help me to feel seen and loved every day, I thank you for all your acts of  kindness and compassion, they are truly appreciated. Most importantly, to my own heart, thank you for the strength, comfort, joy, and the inspiration you bring every day, I love you and I am listening...

the beauty,
 strength, and wisdom
 of the heart
is never ending,
we can visit anytime
and be transformed...


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Fragility and Strength

Feathered Friends

It is nearing the end of a very long winter and as I watch the birds at the feeders outside our living room windows I feel inspired. They are such fragile, tiny creatures with such extraordinary strength. These amazing birds endure temperatures of forty below along with wind gusts that have toppled trees down like match sticks! I marvel how such tiny bodies can survive such harsh conditions and I wonder if it is more than instinct that keeps them alive.
 These fascinating little creatures bring a smile to my heart every time I watch them hurry and compete with one another to get the seeds that will somehow nourish them. Perhaps it is the long winter or the time spent alone, but I have come to see them as having human characteristics ( I am not naming them yet and inviting them in for dinner, so I think I am okay).
 Some of the birds, like the chickadees, seem happy and content all the time. When I go out and fill the feeders, even though I cannot see them, they let me know with their cheery greeting that they are pleased to see me (okay, pleased to see the food.). Some of my other feathered friends ( yes, I called them friends) like the blue jay, are not quite as cheery, and are often sporting a scowl. As a matter of fact, I swear they give me dirty looks when I stand between them and the feeder.
 Although the blue jays are some of the most beautiful birds, they tend to be bullies, chasing the smaller birds away, intimidating them with their larger size (and scowl I suppose). Thankfully, not all the birds are afraid of them. There is a beautiful downy woodpecker that feeds at the same spot who remains calm and stands his ground as the blue jay squawks his impatience. I have noticed that it is the bullies who fly away at the first glimpse of someone approaching, while the smaller birds have the courage to remain at the feeder, calmly munching on their snack. The finches and chickadees are always flitting from feeder to branch, the happy go lucky sort, while the woodpeckers seem very serious and focused on their task. (type A work, work! )
 I love to take pictures of the birds and I often have a chuckle when I get a good look at their expressions     ( yes, they have expressions). Just the other day for example, I got a shot of a finch, which I swear, looked like it was depressed ( lack of sunlight perhaps) seriously, it's eyes looked so sad I was ready to refer him to a good "psycho" therapist I know...The blue jays are particularly expressive, unfortunately, most of the time they seem very angry....not sure if they don't like getting their picture taken or they don't like the hand that feeds them! Either way, it seems a bit rude...  The finches and chickadees on the other hand, appear happy to let me take pictures, and sometimes, ( no, I am not crazy) they seem to be posing... Well, it has been a long winter!!
Whatever their temperament or motives, I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to watch these delightful creatures who exhibit such fragility and strength. I suppose if they can thrive in spite of the harsh winter, I should be thankful for the inspiration and smiles they bring, quit complaining about the winter, and count my blessings!

Feathered Friends

I marvel at 
such beauty and grace
as you pause, 
 delicately balanced,
on your slender throne,
And I wonder...
if you knew
 just how miraculous you are,
how much we admire
 your fragility and strength,
if you knew
the comfort and simple joy
you bring,
would you be less timid,
  would pride puff your feathers out
 just a little more
my feathered friends?

God bless


Saturday, 18 January 2014

This time of year can be difficult. The lack of sunlight and challenging weather conditions can take it's toll on our spirits. With this in mind I share this poem to all those who are struggling, and to those who are supporting them. I have come to strongly believe, that along with every shadow in our life, there is always light... sometimes we just need help finding it!


Sometimes in life
Tremendous trials come,
That bring great sadness and tears,
It seems as if our lives have changed,
Our vision blurred by fears,
Yet, beyond the darkness
There is always light,
That guides and inspires
Helps renew our sight,

And where there is light
There is always love,
And where there is love,
There is hope…

When we seek light 
It will be there,
In smiles and kindness given,
In autumn leaves and gentle breeze,
Earthly angels send from heaven,,
Along with every shadow
There is always light,

And where there is light,
There is always love,
And where there is love
There is hope…

Penny Bowman

Friday, 10 January 2014

It is a new year! 2014 has arrived, and with it, our tendency to make resolutions. Although I find many resolutions are lacking enthusiasm, ( perhaps born from feeling pressured rather than inspired) I do love the idea of seeing the new year as an opportunity for change and growth. Endings by their very nature give rise to new beginnings, and what is more uplifting than the opportunity to start something new!
I find setting personal goals inspiring. The whole process of looking at oneself, being honest, and making a personal commitment to growth, is very admirable. Making a resolution takes honesty, courage, and faith, three excellent qualities we should all nurture on a regular basis.
One of the problems with New Year's resolutions is that they tend to be too vague. I find it very over whelming to think of setting a goal for a year! Yikes! What I learned from my personal experience as a peer leader with the Canadian Cancer Society's Living Well Beyond Cancer program was that goals need to be action oriented and measurable. Each week during the program peer facilitators and participants would set a goal (using guidelines from the program) and then return the next week to share their success with the group. If a goal was not reached we identified the possible barriers and brainstormed solutions. The guidelines for creating a goal was to write down what you were going to do, (an action) how much  or how long you would do it, and when. For example, instead of saying I want to get in better shape ( pretty vague ) you would say I am going to walk 2km in the morning four days a week. We also had participants rate on a ten point scale what they thought their likelihood of success would be. If they did not rate it a seven or more then we suggested they modify it until they felt more confident. One of the biggest lessons learned was to make the goal achievable.  Setting weekly goals that were achievable helped participants to succeed, and each success helped to build the foundation for the next goal and success. No matter big or small, it is empowering to achieve a goal and share that with others!( It also helps to be accountable to someone and have support if there is a problem) I loved the weekly goal setting and found it was a format that worked for everyone.
So... if there is something you want to accomplish and you have not got around to doing anything about it why not try setting a goal this week that you share with someone and see what can happen!

When we honour
the truth inside,
and let courage
take our hand,
faith will be ready
to help us go
where there are no limits...