Monday, 16 December 2013

The Magic of Christmas

The Christmas season is one of my favourite times of the year. As if by magic, we are transformed, and our hearts and souls opened up to shine fully. It is a time when children believe in magic, and the world conspires, if only for a short time, to nurture that childlike quality for young and old alike.
It is the time of year we shed our selfishness and think of others. Individuals, families and communities raise money for those less fortunate as we are driven to ensure that every child and family are able to enjoy Christmas day. Strangers are no longer afraid of one another, but instead, reach out, join forces, and help one another. Friends and families celebrate their faith together, and share in the joy, and hope, and magic.
It is the time of year when families become nostalgic, and long to be together. Children come home, (often with their laundry) siblings reunite, and we remember what family means.
Christmas is a time when old memories are treasured and new ones created. Tradition takes on a new importance and we honor the past and those who helped create it. In my family it would not feel like Christmas if we did not decorate homemade gingerbread, watch White Christmas, and wait for the pajama elf on Christmas eve. At times traditions and memories can be bitter sweet when our hearts ache for those who helped create the traditions but are no longer with us.
 Unfortunately I just had to attend a celebration of life for the mother of a dear friend of mine. Ruth had lived a wonderful life and passed away at the age of ninety four. She was dearly loved by family and friends, one of those rare individuals who exuded amazing grace and kindness that touched all those who had the good fortune to spend time with her. At the celebration, the minister reminded the family to focus on their treasured memories of past Christmas's with Ruth, memories filled with joy and light and love. Ruth's strength is evident in her children and grandchildren so I am confident they will help each other to do just that.
Christmas is a time of miracles. It was born from a miracle and continues to give birth to new miracles every year, for it is a time when our hearts and souls come alive and the best of the human spirit is revealed and shared. My hope is that some day, that same spirit will dominant all year round!
Merry Christmas everyone, may you experience the full joy of Christmas in your heart and soul!
love and light,

the miracle
in each one of us,
light of love...


Thursday, 14 November 2013

Seeing with our Hearts

Building Connections

Recently the weather has taken a quick turn, and mother nature has given us a forceful reminder that winter is quickly approaching. As I write, it is a very frigid November morning, and with the wind chill, nineteen below! The ground is bearing the burden of a heavy frost, and I am feeling inclined to stay inside where my spirit and toes are warmed by sight and smell of the wood fire's dancing flames.
Since my last blog I have been trying to heed my own advice and spend more time mindfully. Perhaps it was partly due to the quick departure of seasonal temperatures, but I found myself feeling a little lost and disconnected.  After some journaling, meditation and healing work with a gifted friend, I accepted the fact that it was my own doing ( not the weather) and that I could turn things around with a little more effort and focus ( the latter being a challenge for me).  
As a part of my work, I realised that from an early age I had built an invisible  barrier between myself and others to avoid being hurt. Since it had reared it's invisible head, I figured now was the time to begin the healing process if I wanted the rewards of feeling more connected. I was not sure where to begin, for, like many others, this, I knew, was a life long strategy that was supported by a host of mistaken beliefs. In meditation I was told to see through my heart. I was not exactly sure what was being implied, ( other than the obvious) but I was happy to begin my work in such a warm, comfy place.
 I began the journey with love, forgiveness, and faith for I knew I was not alone and would be guided if I only asked. 
To see with my heart, to me, meant being in better touch with my heart. I set to work using my trusty allies, meditation, journaling, and introspection. As well, I paid closer attention to those delicious quiet pauses during the day when we often get our ah ha's. 
Our hearts are so majestic, it was time beautifully spent. I found of course, the more attention I paid to my heart, the more I felt a deeper connection within myself. I realised that this was what I needed to foster first. As I re-connected with my heart, it had the wonderful effect of helping me to feel my daily experiences on a deeper level..
This became very clear ( I love it when I get positive feedback) when I went to see the production of Les Miserables in Toronto this past weekend. I really enjoy live theatre, but I experienced it on a much deeper level than I ever had. I found myself taking a breath and closing my eyes during poignant songs so I could feel the emotion and savour the beautiful music more fully. I was brought to tears a few times, my heart touched deeply, and I felt an appreciation for the performers and the magnitude of work that went into the production. It was an experience I shall always remember and treasure.
 As I was reminiscing while I was writing this blog, I discovered that if I closed my eyes, and yes, took a breath, I could experience the same feelings again.The rewards of taking the time to re- connect with my heart.
I am feeling grateful and inspired by this experience. I realize that my spiritual work will be ongoing, but so will the rewards! I share it in the hopes that it may help others to remember to take time each day to pause, listen, and spend time with this beautiful gift we all share.

The Eyes of Love

to see with our hearts
   is but a soft breath away,
 mindful focus
that can gently bring us  
to exquisite moments
of beauty, peace and joy,

to see with our hearts
 is but a beautiful mirror,
 the kindred pulse of humanity
that magically connects us
 through the divine eyes of love...


Thursday, 31 October 2013

If You Go There

If you go There


This fall was a wonderful treat. Unusually warm weather combined with autumn's hand print created an amazing environment for us to enjoy the fall kaleidoscope of colors. I say this, and yet I found myself complaining in the midst of this miraculous change because I knew what would soon follow. I know I am not alone in this thinking, come on, admit it... I heard you... Why do we do that? Instead of surrendering to the inevitable, and embracing the beauty that the "now" offers, we often ignore the rainbow and jump right over it, into a pile of mud! Our thinking takes us away from the present moment and we miss the gifts that surround us.

One of the reasons I decided to practice meditation was to learn how to slow down, stop, and become mindful of my thoughts, feelings and surroundings. ( I am much better than I used to be.)  It has been an amazing journey, one that has required a certain amount of patience, confidence and faith. So many people find it difficult at first, but as I discovered, it quickly becomes more natural and brings a wealth of unexpected benefits. Meditation not only helps to let go of mind and body stress, and strengthen mindfulness, it can also be a very powerful pathway for self discovery and healing. 

 It makes sense that taking time to be still and listen allows our hearts and souls an opportunity to communicate with us. To me it is similar to sitting down with a good friend and just listening, with no expectations, or judgements, just an open mind and loving heart. Through this communication we are better able to get to the heart of our problems and begin to heal ourselves. When we connect with our hearts and souls it is easier to understand, forgive, accept, and really love ourselves. We find out who we really are is beautiful. This in turn, helps us to do the same for others. Meditation becomes a catalyst for self discovery, inner peace, joy, mindfulness and healing. 

Much of my writing comes from my connection with spirit. When I step out of the way and allow inspiration to flow through me, I am often surprised (but always pleased) with the results. For those of you who have not tried meditation I encourage you to take the first step. There is a huge assortment of books and Cd's to help you get started, many of them freely available online. If you are one of those people who think they cannot do it, that is your first challenge... to embrace the possibility that if you go there, it will come!

Namaste my friends! Namaste. 

 A Breath Away

the peace you seek,
the love you desire,
a joy undiscovered,
and only 
a breath away...



Saturday, 7 September 2013

Out of the Darkness

It is September and the days are becoming shorter. I love so many things about the fall, cooler days, the red and orange colours that pop out on the trees, the golden colour of hay bales lined up in the farmers fields. What I don't like is the sun setting earlier putting our day to rest before we are ready. This week I was moaning that fact when I looked out the window and saw the most beautiful shades of pink on the river. The sun was just setting and it was creating a glorious  light show on the water as it quickly descended. I raced down to the river with camera in hand to see if I could capture a moment in time. It was mesmerising to see the pink and purple hues stretching across the river like a blanket  being loving spread over a precious loved one.  My fascination resulted in waiting too long for the shot, but my soul had been nourished and it did not seem as important any more. Even though the darkness came earlier, it brought such beauty and light, I could not help but feel inspired. As I walked away I heard the river whispering something  I had forgotten.

stay open
the cycle of darkness and light
is as it should be
there is a greater purpose
beyond the immediate moment
for out of the darkness
 often comes the most beautiful  light....

Penny B

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Time with the River 
You are the One

Today I decided to take time to listen  my own spirit. I went down to the river, lulled by her stillness and the quiet that seemed to envelope me, as well as everything around me. I had a blissful meditation, remembering to just allow myself to focus on my breath to begin, then what I was feeling. The message was clear today.

You are the one
who brings peace,
it is always there
when you take the time
to go within
and enjoy the bliss
that love brings,
do not be afraid to dive deeply
into the depth of your love
 for you will discover an infinite pool
that will cleanse and heal 
any part of you
that is suffering,
such simple remedies await
if you take time,
You are the One

Although I have been meditating and listening to my spirit for quite awhile, it never ceases to amaze me when I connect and become inspired. It is like viewing the same beautiful scene over and over again and still being surprised and overwhelmed each time. Love is like that I suppose.
 It wasn't always so easy. I began my spiritual journey with my physical healing journey, slowly learning how to still my very active mind and body. As I peeled away layers and released mistaken beliefs and emotional pain, it made room for the light and love to enter and work it's magic. I share this so you know you can do the same, if you take the time....You are the One.... 

Penny Bowman

Monday, 19 August 2013

Giving Way

Time with the River

It has been over a week since I have taken the time to be with the river. Time to listen to spirit. I know I need that, so today I honour my spirit and that of the river with my being. I have learned over the years it is essential to feed my spirit if I want to feel connected within, and without. The rewards are always there in the peace and serentiy I feel. Today I ask the river to wash away the tears and emotions that have come to surface this morning, knowing that she will embrace them, and lovingly let them be until they have run their course. As always she speaks to me when I am still ...

hop aboard dear one
ride upon my shoulders,
I shall carry you
with wind and waves
for I yield to you
as I yield to rocks, and shore, and sand
offering no resistance
just allowing myself to give way
free to carry on my way...

Oh to be more like the river, naturally giving way to obstacles with such flexibility, fluidity and grace...
With gratitude once again dear River.


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

This too shall pass...

This Too Shall Pass  

Time with the River

It is a very wet day today. As I write, rain is pouring down, relentlessly assaulting everything in its path. The sky and water are like one, an endless cold, steel grey. This is a day when people's spirits are often down...but not the river's, she remains an optimist and my time with her was well spent once again. This is what she shared with me today.  

My appearance is often deceiving,
though I am grey today,
 and foreboding at times
do not be fooled,
for this belongs to the storm
not my spirit,
I remain at peace
 I watch and listen
as thunderstorms brew over me,
and rain beats down, 
I do not resist
for this I cannot change, 
 so I move along,
 allowing the sky to do the same,
and though I may echo her distress
I remain true to that which I know,
this too shall pass
and soon the sun and moon
will caress me with their light once again...

the river

 As always, when I take the time, the river speaks to my spirit ( often waking her from her slumber). I am reminded that when my sunshine turns grey, and turmoil surrounds me, it is not who I am, it is only temporary, and I need only go within for the peace and beauty that is always there....thank you river!   P

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Time with the River

Time with the River
 We are one

A year ago I realized a dream of mine to live on the water. My partner and I bought a beautiful property on the French River in northern Ontario. I have always been drawn to water, and living here has helped me to understand why. My spirit is moved by water, it speaks to me both figuratively and literally. As many people do, I feel a peace within when I am near it.
Not long after I moved I began writing for a local magazine and what I discovered was a passion to write about my personal experiences living on the water. Each day I take the time to sit and reflect and listen to what the river is telling me. Each day it is something new. Something that feeds my soul and something that I often feel helps bring clarity to my life. I am a stage 4 cancer survivor and believe very much that I am alive to share the lessons of my spirit. The more I listen, the  more humble I become, for I have learned that it is when we listen that we are most open to learning and our hearts have an opportunity to both receive and give.
Often my writing comes in the form of poetry, I particularly enjoy it not just because it comes with a sense of freedom but because I feel I become both the writer and observer since I am frequently surprised by what is spilled out on the page.

When I went down to the dock today, I did not have my usual quiet and privacy. There were neighbours partying in the water next door and I felt a little bit annoyed....I continued with my routine though, and quieted myself and began to listen. This is what my time with the river brought me today:

A bird flies over
a lily drinks,
the wind plays with me
the sun dances,
a thousand spirits are housed here,
I belong to no one
to everyone,
be one with that
and you are one with yourself...

As if that was not enough of a lesson today, I was reminded that for years even though I was compelled to write, and was encouraged to by many people, I thought I had nothing to write about. The river just confirmed that, for I now realize I have everything to write about. Many thanks dear river...