Friday, 2 December 2016

May the Light Linger ...

My brother in law passed away very recently after a very lengthy and traumatic stay in the hospital. Needless to say it is a time of tremendous sorrow. It is also a time for the process of healing to begin. Although we live miles apart, I believe my love is with my family, even when I am not, for we are connected, like all families, in ways that cannot be seen but are felt with the heart and soul.
As painful as it is to see my sister and her family grieving, it is comforting to know that our family is supporting one another, and the bond  that we share is an important part of the healing journey. Being a writer my thoughts and feelings are often processed and more easily expressed by writing them down, and so I offer these words as little pieces of  my love and strong faith that together, we will get through this difficult time and help one another to let the light and love linger a little longer, a little easier, with each passing day.

Let the tears flow,
let the sadness have its say,
let the wind bring sweet memories,
let the love forever stay,

Let our hearts slowly mend,
 the light linger more each day,
let us savor all our blessings,
and hold each other dearer,
this I pray...

With love and respect for a wonderful man who had a special way of always focusing on the light in others.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Love Who You Are

You Are Beautiful

For all of us who are marginalised, discriminated against, bullied and abused, you are not what others say or do...

You are love,
Inclusive love,
The only real love that exists,

You are courage,
Courage no one should ever require,
No bully will ever know,

You are decency and kindness,
A compassionate vision
That makes this world a better place,

You are strength,
A beautiful inner strength
 That builds a nation proud,

You are light,
A beacon that inspires
The world to do better...

You are so much more
Than even you know...
You are beautiful

 Know it,
 Own it,
Love who you are...


Thursday, 29 September 2016

Finding Courage

Unfortunately, there are often times in our lives when we are faced with challenges that require tremendous courage. When this happens our fears often dominate our thoughts, and we must fight to take back control so we can begin to focus more positively. It is a time when the support of family and friends is invaluable.

 None of us can ever really know what another person is going through, our experiences are unique, but what we can do is encourage one another to look for the light, and allow ourselves to nurture faith, even though it may seem elusive. We can learn to step back and recognize whether we are in a state of fear or love, and choose the path that empowers us. We can try to keep our hearts and minds open, and practice compassion for ourselves and each other. 

What we focus on grows, so let's help each other focus on our amazing ability to find strength and resilience under extraordinary circumstances, and the courage we never knew we had.

For all the healthcare workers and essential frontline workers who define courage, and those people close to us who inspire courage daily, thank you!!


courage waits,
to help us face,
life's greatest challenges
with dignity and grace,
strength hides,
far beyond what we knew,
an amazing reservoir,
that will carry us through,
faith burns,
our candle in the dark,
to light our way,
it begins as a spark,
Tremendous courage
and strength,
and faith
 lie within,
waiting, just waiting,
for us to come in...

Penny Bowman

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Beyond Medals...The Spirit of Victory

The Spirit of Sport

Most people will never have the experience of competing in the Olympics. Those that do are the exceptional athletes who are willing to train and make huge sacrifices to reach an impressive win a medal, to be the best in the world. Those who achieve that goal become instant heros and are bathed in the acculades and media attention deserving of such an accomplishment. But what about those who do not win a medal or even achieve their goals? To me they are heros too, amazing people like Adam van Koeverden (Canadian Olympic kayak sprinter) who inspire us by the depth of their dedication and their true love of sport. Athletes like Adam who show such grace, wisdom and vulnerability not only after a victory, but even more impressively, after a devastating loss.
We all face defeat at times, but not under such exceptional cirmstances and the scruntiny of the world minutes after that defeat. To be able to walk through that with such dignity and openness tell us so much about these athletes and inspires those of  us watching, not to become an Olympian perhaps, but to become the kind of person who has such tremendous strength and heart.
I probably won't remember who won medals in the 2016 Olympics, but I will remember Adam Koeverden and athletes like him who remind us what is truly important in life, and what real success is. No, I won't remember who won what medal once the games are over, but I will remember the spirit of all the Olympians who gave everything they had, chose not to be defeated, and in so doing, gave themselves and the world something way more valuable than a medal!

The Spirit of Victory

we hear the call
to compete,
to be our best...
we dig deep,
we open up,
we conquer fears...
the ultimate challenge of
body and mind
and spirit...
all else is
just the stage,
for true victory
lies inside...

Penny Bowman

Thursday, 14 July 2016

A Writer's got to write... Answering the call

 For a long time I have aspired to, but felt undeserving of being called a writer....  Rather amusing in retrospect because no matter my skill level, I am a writer... it is something I am inspired to do, and despite my inner turmoil with the title, the call to write has a strong hold on me. Just like a player's got to play, a writer it seems, got to write.

 I am grateful to have persisted because it is a perfect medium for someone like myself who seeks connection. Writing motivates me to go inside and listen to my own thoughts, and more importantly, my spirit. When I share, it connects me with others, most often in a much deeper way than I normally would. I also find myself out in nature, and socializing more as sources of inspiration.

Whatever the motivation, I realize now that my preoccupation with what I have to offer was not the real underlying issue. It was not so much about the value of what I had to say, but my reluctance to share my deepest thoughts and feel vulnerable. As my daughter recently reminded me though, sometimes the best things in life happen when we allow ourselves to be uncomfortable and take chances. This is very true for me since I have been richly rewarded by sharing my ramblings.

Writing has helped me to see and explore the deepest parts of my mind and spirit. Like a softly lit mirror, writing has gently revealed my inner beauty, my scars, my light and my truth. It has helped me to feel more comfortable with being vulnerable and accept it as an important stepping stone to growth. I've learned that for me, writing is as much about what I can offer to others as it is about discovering  and supporting myself.

Although I am still hesitant to call myself a writer ( more about labels another time) I realize that it is something I am meant to do. The drive to write has been encouraged over and over during my meditations and journaling, thanks to my patient and persistent inner voice. Even with that, every time I share my thoughts, I still feel somewhat exposed and a little nervous. I realize many, many others feel the same, painters, poets, photographers, etc. and I strongly encourage everyone who is resisting a creative calling to embrace the artist within, for it will take you on a beautiful journey of self discovery. Allow yourself to feel uncomfortable and respond to those nudges from your soul. We are not all meant to be famous but we are all meant to answer our own cries for creative expression, and be the best we can be!

The Song Within

within each of us
 a song unheard.
will you listen, 
will you wonder,
will you
ignore reason,
jump into the unknown
and feel what it is 
to fly...

will you let the wind
pick you up 
take you places
beyond the imagined...
places that
light you up from within, 
that feel like home...


Wednesday, 29 June 2016

An Open Heart

There are times in life when we all feel like shutting down, particularly when we are hurt by others and feel the need to protect ourselves from getting hurt again. It seems logical, and yet I believe it is one of the worst things we can do, and, contrary to our instincts, does not make sense.

When we are hurt, it seems counter productive to me to shut down the very thing that can heal us...our love. Keeping our hearts open allows us to think more positively, give ourselves the love and compassion we need, as well as receive it from others. It also enables us to have compassion and forgiveness for those who have hurt us. Carrying around grudges and anger can be a heavy load that eventually weighs us down with bitterness and cynicism.

Our hearts are powerful, for they know the truth about who we are, and can lead us to our inner wisdom when our minds might lead us astray. An open heart can give us a new perspective, help us take a step back from our egos, and shed light on our darker moments. Having an open heart does not hurt us, quite the opposite, it is the pathway to the gentle wave of love that will help us to heal.

Our hearts are meant to stay open so we can live our lives to the fullest. When we live from our hearts,  we can embrace the truth that love is who we are, our beautiful essence that will guide and comfort us if we let it. So the next time you are tempted to close your heart, try visiting it instead, you just might just find yourself a new best friend!

The truth is,
love is who we are...
magical love,
 that can heal us
and remind us
of our truth,

An open heart
allows the love within
to breathe... 
to be shared
and to be nourished in return,
it connects us 
with who we are,
 pure joy and peace!

with love,

penny bowman


Friday, 3 June 2016

Getting Inspired!

When I write it is most often a because someone or something has touched me deeply in a way that feeds my spirit. I love to write for it deepens the connection that I have with myself as well as others, and helps me appreciate the source of my inspiration, whether it be friends, fellow travelers, or this beautiful planet we live on.

Currently I am most inspired by the children who are battling cancer, difficult enough for an adult, these children demonstrate such courage, determination, hope, faith, and resilience at such tender ages. Many thanks for your amazing spirits and the inspiration you ignite! You are the real heroes!

I am inspired by the human spirit
the hope mirrored in your face,
by inner strength and wisdom
and unrelenting grace...

I am inspired by kindred smiles,
tiny drops of dew,
cloud spotted summer skies
painted on an endless canvas of blue,

I am inspired by the sounds of laughter
and waves greeting the shore,
compassion and forgiveness,
knowing what I am here for...

I am inspired by words unspoken,
our souls collective cry,
by dreams and cherished moments,
the miracle of you and I...


Thursday, 3 March 2016

Being a Mother

Miracle Unfolding

Motherhood brings with it the greatest joys we'll ever experience, but it also gives birth to our greatest fears, insecurities and life lessons. The idea that once you hold your newborn in your arms you are changed forever was not a cliche for me. In fact, the transformation began earlier during the pregnancies, when I, like most mothers, felt a strong bond with my unborn children and a love I could not describe. Holding them was the opportunity to affirm that love and to experience it on a much deeper level. Not to steal a line from the Grinch, but I think being a mom definitely makes your heart grow several sizes! A fairly important upgrade, since motherhood requires tremendous love, sacrifice and humility.

So many of the challenges associated with being a mother can be attributed to the fact that our adorable babies do not come with manuals... and even though our hearts are bigger, we dive into an unknown realm sleep deprived, idealistic, and overly protective. From the moment my girls were born, I felt the responsibility that comes with caring for them. I wanted to be a good mom, and prepare them to be loving, responsible, happy adults.( All this, without a manual) I knew raising children would not be easy, and that I would make mistakes, but I did not realize it would be so difficult to get the information and support all parents desperately need. Interesting, that our government requires us to pass a test to demonstrate we can drive a car, yet we do not have any programs in place to help new parents prepare for the most important role of their lives... I think it would be very beneficial if there were ongoing parenting classes and resources offered ( perhaps even mandatory) to assist parents along the most important journey of their lives. 

I have been a parent for over thirty years now, my children, now adults have created wonderful lives for themselves, so I suppose their dad and I would get a passing grade. I still feel their pain, take pride in their accomplishments, give free advice ( occasionally worth listening to) and want the best for them. No matter their age, or mine, I imagine I will always feel a protective instinct, love them unconditionally and wonder at times if I am doing the right thing. 

After all these years, I also wonder why on Mother's day, our children give presents to us, for they are the gift. To give life to someone, to watch a miracle unfold and have the opportunity to love and be loved unconditionally, is beautiful and life altering. Being a mom has made me a better person, it has enriched my life beyond expectations, it has challenged me, inspired my soul, and yes, made my heart grow bigger. Therefore, I cannot end this without thanking my children for their love, support, acceptance, and forgiveness. I have learned along the way, made plenty of mistakes, and had my share of victories, but most importantly I have realized what a blessing it is to be on this journey with them. 

 Being a mother is a gift that inspires great compassion in our hearts, and the spiritual wisdom and light of our souls. As they have grown, so have I, amidst the joy, angst, fear, pride, and overwhelming love. I just hope my children know, that when Mother's day rolls around, any present they give me is just icing on the cake, because since the day they were born, they are, and always will be, the greatest gift I have ever received.


For My Children

I feel blessed
 to be part of 
 a miracle unfolding...
please know
you are wonderful
just the way you are
 your strengths,
and your flaws,
create the perfect
 evolving you...
know that
and you bring joy
and light
 and love 
into the world
with your unique
 and oh so beautiful 
 hearts and souls..

love you more than words...

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Finding Beauty Wherever You Are

After returning from a  Caribbean cruise and returning to frigid, snowy weather in northern Ontario, it seems only natural that a person might feel somewhat let down and a little nostalgic for warm temperatures and pristine turquoise waters. but last week I surprised myself as I was driving down the highway on a blue sky, -26 degree celsius morning, Instead of feeling remorse, I experienced a sense of elation and awe as I looked out the car window and was drawn to the rugged natural beauty that surrounded me. I felt a deep connection to the landscape, as if somehow these giant pillars of rock understood how I was feeling, and were acknowledging our bond with a big hug.
The towering rock cuts that border both sides of the highway ( formed from blasting through tons of rock) seemed even more impressive than usual, softened by layers of snow that looked as if they had been hand painted. Artistic swirls and powdery waves  hung gracefully over the edges transforming them into pieces of art. I was also mesmerised by the giant frozen waterfalls that hung motionless, their strong, frigid grip securing them safely against the ancient walls of granite. It was as if the water's momentum had been magically halted in order to sculpt these massive, icy, moments in time.

I would have liked to have taken a photograph, but there was no safe place to stop, and I did not want to actually become one with the nature. I have included a picture that is similar to what I saw, ( taken at the French River ) but not quite as spectacular as what I saw that day.
As I continued to drive that morning, I was reminded that there is beauty to be found everywhere. We are immersed in it whether we are on a Caribbean beach, the city streets of Toronto, or a northern Ontario highway... often, it's just a matter of acquiring the right perspective, and taking the time to open our eyes and hearts so we can appreciate what is in front of us.

So my fellow travelers, wherever you are on this beautiful planet, ( especially if you are not thrilled to be there at this moment ) I hope you discover the beauty that's waiting to give you a hug!


turquoise blue waters,
  pink quartz
kissed by the sun,
flower petals
smooth metals,
sculpted each one...
painted canvas
painted skin,
 painted sky,
up above, 
beauty is found
 in all things
made with love...


Sunday, 14 February 2016

For the Love of Friends

Throughout our lives we meet a lot of people, and if we are fortunate, we make a lot of friends. Like wine, some become our favorites' right away, others take awhile to appreciate, still others get better and better with age.

Just recently my partner and I had the opportunity to make some new friends who we instantly liked and felt at home with. Like old souls meeting up after a long absence, we felt a comfort and and kinship with them that defied logic and kindled a familiar feeling of belonging in our hearts.
It got me thinking about friendship in general, and it occurred to me that whether our friends have been longtime companions, or are new sparks of light in our lives, they are invaluable gems that faithfully inspire and support us on our journeys. They are the people who pick us up when we fall down, become our cheerleaders, our voice of reason, our clowns, our companions, and our sounding boards. Friends are a lifelong source of joy, comfort and unconditional love. Unlike family, they choose us...even when we are broken, even when we have nothing to give back.

During my sixty odd years of life ( and they have been odd...) I have always been able to rely on my friends to help me navigate through the shadows as well as celebrate the light. In retrospect, it seems as if they have had an almost magical quality, always appearing just when I needed them the most.
So this Valentine's Day, I want to thank all my friends, old and new for your love. Thank you for supporting me, for encouraging me, laughing with me, crying with me, and believing in me.  As I get older, I have an even greater appreciation for this bond we call friendship, it has been a guiding light in my life, and a safe haven for my heart. My deepest gratitude, dear friends, you mean the world to me.

It is our friends
who answer the call
of our weary hearts,
who understand without words,
who see inside the darkness
and  help bring us back to the light...

it is our friends
who inspire joy,
and unconditional love,
who sing the same song,
 and share this magical bond
of kindred souls...


Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Reaching Out...Let's Talk

Reaching Out

It is Bell Let's Talk Day, and I am so happy that we are finally having great conversations about mental health issues. So many people are suffering silently, and so many others are wanting to be supportive, but not understanding what is going on, or what to do. Often we do not even know a friend or family member has a problem. We may suspect there is an issue, and are puzzled by behaviours, but unable to make sense of them, without the appropriate frame of reference and information. It is a little like trying to support someone with a broken arm if they did not tell us and they were not wearing a cast.
 Both those who suffer from mental illness, and those who care, need to be educated and start sharing with one another. We need to take a leap of faith and reach out to one another and begin the process of healing. There should be no shame or stigma attached to mental health issues, the only shame should be if we judge or do nothing.
Thank you, Bell Let's Talk!

talk to me
I may not fully understand
for I have not walked in your shoes,
but I care deeply,
and I will listen
with an open mind and heart,
 I will lend my courage and strength,
and hold your hand
until the darkness
turns to light 
once more...
